Tuesday night I had to lead a meeting. I had planned pretty much all that day. I had an agenda that could be tweaked if needed, but I really wanted to stick to it. Well, nothing that night went as planned. I left there feeling defeated, embarrassed and discouraged. When I got home that night, I talked to a good friend of mine that reminded me that God is probablly stretching me in this area. I feel like I am back at the beginning; relearning how to lead a group of ladies in ministry. This can be a good thing. I knew that I had been getting really comfortable the last couple of years in leading this group, but I didn't know that it meant that I would be uncomfortable later.
I don't like to be uncomfortable! I like to know what's happening, when it's happening and why. I feel vulnerable. And that's a scary place for me to be.
So, what can I do in this uncomfortable place of leading a fairly new group of ladies? Do I stick with what I know? Do I change things up? Or is it me that I need to change? I think God is telling me that I need to trust in Him more by being more assertive. Not mean, but really sticking to my guns. If I have prayed over my agenda and know that this is what we need to accomplish tonight, then I need to trust the Lord that He will give me the courage to follow through with it.
It's not in just this area of leading this group that I feel uncomfortable and need to trust in God more. It's also in my dealings with Drew and his special needs, disciplining the boys, talking to my neighbors, volunteering at Jarod's school, and the list goes on.
As Jarod was preparing for school, I read Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be dscouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." I prayed that for him, especially all that first day.
I need to pray that for myself and allow God give me the courage to be strong in the midst of my uncomfortableness.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Andrew's first three days of school
Andrew is off to a really good start at school. Having Andrew go to summer was helpful because it allowed him to have a smooth transition into the school year. Here are a few comments his teacher has said...
- 8/20 Bus driver said Andrew cried at first then was fine. he also cried when he got off the bus, but stopped when he heard our familiar circle songs. He got back into our routine pretty quickly! Good morning!
- 8/21 Andrew was very happy when he got off of the bus today. He even willingly put his notebook and crayons in his backpack! He imitated at least 50% of movements at circle time. We are hearing more words and a few phrases. (He wanted new paper at the easel and said, "Oh no,what should we do?" He was able to name most pictures in his school vocab. book. he matched our school vocab. word cards picture to picture, but not to picture to object. Good day!
- 8/22 We are working hard to illicit more words. Also, working on sharing! He has a favorite ball toy, but would rather choose something else than share.
That last one made me laugh! That's so true! I'm looking forward to seeing what he can accomplish this year!
Monday, August 20, 2007
First Day of School

Jarod started first grade last week. It's been an adjustment for him to be in school all day, but I think it will get easier as he begins to learn the routines and feel confident in himself. He has a really nice teacher. I'm looking forward to meeting her formally and seeing a class list. I am also excited about having the time to help out in his classroom. Jarod is already bugging me to come to his class!
Andrew started preschool today. He rode the bus for the first time too. He did really well! There was a slight hesitation when he stepped on the bus, and the driver said he only cried a little at the beginning and when he got off the bus. It sounded like he wanted to ride more and not go to school!
I am really proud of both my boys. I pray that God will give them both a peace about school that is beyond their understanding and that they learn to trust in Him more and more.
Interesting Discovery
On Saturday I had the opportunity to scrapbook all day. I was really looking forward to working on my album and trying to get caught up. I sat next to a lady named Diana. We talked on and off during the day. At the end of the day as I was beginning to pack up, one of my friends came over to look through my pages. As she looked at my house pages, Diana stood up, put her hand on my shoulder and gasped. I asked her if she was okay and she said that she knew my house. I asked her how she knew and she said that the previous owner of our house was her cousin. She looked at the pictures on the page in awe because her cousin and his wife have both passed away. Diana began telling me about this couple; how they met, their love for each and their family, how much the wife loved to garden and the pride she took in her yard. (The wife would be shocked by how much I am NOT a gardener!) It made me look at my house a little differently when I got home. Someone else had memories different from mine of the same house. I feel strangely connected to Diana. I hope that Eric and I can bring memories to other peoplel like this couple has done for Diana. I hope that Diana and I can scrapbook again together. I would like to learn more about her cousin and the memories she had in our home.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Time for a change
I have been reading a book recently called Breathe by Kari Wyatt Kent. It's about how to create a space for God in a hectic life. I've been feeling overwhelmed recently about school starting and all the "stuff" and committments that come with the school year. But I know that God longs for me to be in a realtionship with him and if my life is just too busy, how can I give him the time that he so deserves. One aspect of this book is Sabbath Simplicity: a God-focused life of rhythm of work and rest. I love that that! Especially the part about rest. I forget sometimes that it is okay to not go anywhere, to have down time. Other points of Sabbath Simplicity are:
- Its a way of life that you build by listening to God's direction
- It's deliberate, but almost effortless
- It's choosing yes or no based on what God is calling me to do
I pray that Lord will be patient with me as I learn how live this way.
Change is a good sometimes.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Last night was Jarod's last night of t-ball. (Jarod's at bat in the picture). They had their game at Lawton Park.
He did so well! He hit well, stopped a couple of good hits, threw the ball to first base like he was told to. It was such a fun night. His buddy, Joe was on third base in this picture. That was fun for Jarod to play with a friend this summer. We've had some issues with Jarod not wanting to play, but last night was awesome! We are so proud of him!

By the way, I finally figured out how to post a picture. I did it without any help from my very gifted computer minded husband!
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