Happy Birthday Jarod!!! Hi birthday was actually October 12, but I haven't had time to post until now. I can't believe he is 7 years old now. Wow. Where did the time go! Jarod had a busy day on his birthday. I brought lunch over to his school and got to eat with him in the cafeteria. Then later in the afternoon I went back to school and went on the annual Jog/Walk to help promote a healthy lifestyle. After dinner we opened presents and had cake and icecream with Jarod's friend and neighbor, Brandon.

Jarod got a scooter for his birthday. He loved it and couldn't wait to get outside!

Here's the new helmet!

The scooter...

This is Jarod's friend, Brandon. Are they getting to age where it's not cool to look at the camera?

Jarod loves lemon cake.
After cake and icecream, we went up north to the ever busy and noisy Chuck E. Cheese. They all had a great time. Jarod and Brandon got the same toy with their tickets- a rocket launcher. The boys talked about the evening all the way home. Who says boys don't talk much!