Thursday, April 24, 2008
potty training part 2
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
potty training
Well, I of course was smiles the whole way home and called several people on my cell. I was pumped to get home and see if he would have continued success on the potty. As soon as we pulled in the driveway and smelled a poopy. That smell and many clean ups continued all afternoon and into the evening.
I'm not sure what is causing it. Could be all the strawberries he has eaten the last couple of days. Or, could be that we gave him a glass of milk and a piece of cheese the other day. We're trying to determine if he has a milk allergy or intollerance of some sort.
Anyway, so much for potty training and a long awaited celebration of blowing bubbles and a new box of crayons!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I'm back

Happy 4th birthday Andrew! I can't believe he is four! Where has the time gone? I was pretty sick on Andrew's birthday, so I had to miss his party at the Hansen's. I was not very happy about it. Missing your child's birthday party is not something I like to do! Andrew's Uncle Curt made him a Wheel of Fortune card. That was the hit of the party. Forget the presents and cake, bring on the card!
Andrew also discovered the fire place. Not sure why he didn't notice it before, but he watched Grandpa put in fire wood and he just sat there with his card and ejoyed the warmth!
Jarod spent part of his spring break with Grandma and Grandpa Peterson in Indy. They sure kept him busy! They took him to see a play of Frog and Toad at the Children's Museum. Jarod really liked it. While Jarod was gone, I took the opportunity to try and potty train Andrew. It didn't go very well, but we are still trying and not giving up. It will be long battle, but are confident that Andrew will get it!
Well, that's it for now. I'll write more later...