I wasn't sure we were going to get ther because of the slick road conditions. I made it fine to the entrance, but once I made it to the hill in front of the office, I began to slide. I ended up sideways on the road. I tried several times to either turn into the office parking lot or just go backward into another lot. I tried to no avail. A young gentlemen and his wife came by and said that they had been tyring for half an hour to get her car up the hill. yikes! The young man tried everything to get me moving. He eventually got into the van (with Andrew screaming...) and got the van down the hill and into another parking lot. I was very thankful for him!
I had to bring Andrew with me (that was not part of our plan) because my friend had to wait for the bus and couldn't leave her children. :) I was very surprised and delighted at how well Andrew did. There were some loud and tense moments, but overall he did amazing.
Jarod is being such a trooper tonight. Eating only yogurt and applesauce can be kinda boring. He hasn't even asked for meds to help with the pain. I am so proud of my big guy! Here's hoping to no more sliding and randmon generous strangers on our next visit!