Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I am so ready for normalcy! All the delays and cancellations have really done a number on my emotions and motivation. I know that I get so much more accomplished when I am on a schedule. I'm hoping to get some things done today and then take Andrew out to lunch. He gets "out of whack" too when his routine is different.

On another note... Yesterday, as I was waiting for the kids to be dismissed from school, a mom was talking to her son, or me. or to anyone who listening (I'm not sure which). She was commenting on how assinine it was that the first graders couldn't come out before the kindergarteners. And that if her child didn't pass the alpha test (gifted program), she was going to pull her child out of this ridiculous school. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. Inside though I was ready to blow. I don't appreciate parents who berate our school. Haverhill is a good school. And what a poor example to set in front of your kid. Maybe it is just this one parent. She is an EGR in my life. (extra grace required).