I have heard some moms say that they can't wait for school to start again. I am not one of those moms (at least not this year). I have so enjoyed having my boys around this summer. Andrew was in summer school for about 6 weeks and Jarod and I were able to spend some quality time together while Andrew was at school. I think it boils down to that this is the first time that Jarod will be away from me all day. He will be getting most of his influence from outside the home now. That is a little scarey for me. I know he will do fine and it will be a good experience for hm, but I don't have to like it! Drew will be at school 3 days a week in the mornings. So, I will have three mornings a week where I will be by myself. That will be a first for me! I'm sure I will find plenty to do those mornings!
Well, we are heading to the zoo this morning so I need to go.
Welcome to the blogosphere my friend.
Yeah! Now we can keep in touch even in our busyness. Hmm...maybe we can do a morning together when all the kiddos are at preschool/school.
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