Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Today was a wonderful day for me. I wasn't so sure how it was going to be at first, but it turned to be everything I wanted.

Eric had to be at church early to set up for sound. That meant I had to get the kiddos ready and get us to church on time. I didn't think too much of it until I saw the rain pouring down in the driveway. Eric left me the big golf umbrella and I was thankful for that. But I wasn't sure how I was going to get all the bags, two boys, myself out of the van without getting soaking wet. Well, when I pulled into the church parking lot, the rain had pretty much stopped. God was good.

Church went very well. Andrew's buddy was not at church this morning, but there were not many children in SS so Andrew did pretty well. He sat through the songs during service and only kicked the nice lady in front of us a couple of times. She didn't mind and Andrew didn't cry. God was good.

After church we headed down to Eric's parents. We had a good meal, good fellowship and I had fun hanging out with my 12 year old nephew. Andrew went poopy on the toilet for the first time and I even got to nap in the car on the way home! God was good.

I was able to dink around on the computer this afternoon, read to Jarod, tickle Andrew, play games and basically do nothing for a couple of hours. God was good.

This evening we had some of our best friends over for the finale of Survivor. (A tradition of icecream sundaes and thrilling results!) God was good.

I even got to spend some time this evening listening to God and reading his Word.

God is good through all things.

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