Monday, July 28, 2008
My Boys (All 3)
I was trying to get a good picture of my guys all decked out in their 4th of July shirts, but Jarod and Drew (especially Jarod) were not cooperating very well. So, here's what we got...just silliness!

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Drew's Sunday
We have started to sit in the balcony at church, mostly because Drew likes it up there. He can see the instruments on stage and likes the shiny bar that goes across the length of the balcony. This morning during the music, Drew was just dancing away. He seemed to filled with joy! I had to laugh and smile several times - especially when he started doing what looked like the chicken dance. Drew also clapped loudly after each set of songs were done. No one else in the congregation clapped. A friend even said that he appreciated the applause! I love the fact that Drew loves music so much. I'm praying that the words of the songs we sing will dwell in his heart and that someday he will be able to draw upon them.
Eric and I should have sung to him this afternoon when he burned two fingers at Grandma's. He was so upset and just kept screaming and crying. It was horrible to hear him like that, but I continued to pray that the pain would go away and that he would be able to sleep. God answered my prayers! Drew is now dancing and reciting some of his favorite things. He's also singing Wiggles songs! Eric even got him to take a nap.
God is so good!
Eric and I should have sung to him this afternoon when he burned two fingers at Grandma's. He was so upset and just kept screaming and crying. It was horrible to hear him like that, but I continued to pray that the pain would go away and that he would be able to sleep. God answered my prayers! Drew is now dancing and reciting some of his favorite things. He's also singing Wiggles songs! Eric even got him to take a nap.
God is so good!
Six on Sunday
Because I forgot to write 5 things I was thankful on Friday, I am going to do six today before church.
I am thankful....
1. ...for time off from teaching Sunday School. I really love it, but for the next four weeks, there is no Sunday School for children or adults. That means I can sleep in and not feel rushed to get ready for church. What a blessing!
2. ...for the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo! We are members and it is so nice to be able to go whenever we want. The boys and I went three times this week. That doesn't happen that often, that we go so many times in one week, but that's what a member pass is for!!!
3. ...for our porch. Eric spent a lot of time the last couple of summers working on our back porch. This is the first summer that we've been really able to enjoy it. My parents came up and painted the floor for us - that was a huge blessing! I had some friends over this week and we just hung out on the porch and talk for hours. It was wonderful!
4. ...for the ESY program for Drew. He thrives on routine and it's been a blessing that he can attend summer school for three days a week. His teachers are just great and really work on his IEP goals.
5. ...for my husband's boss. I don't think I've ever met him, but I like him. Eric is supposed to go to NC for a weekend, but the people down there keep postponing for one reason or another. So, he hasn't gone yet. Anyway, Eric's boss approached him last week and told him that he had to take me out on a date and to bring the receipt back to him at work. I don't know many bosses that would do something like that. So, we are going to Cork 'n Cleaver on Monday. Neither of us have been there before, so it will be a treat!
6. ...for time with my sisters -in-law this week. We went out for dinner and had a great time talking and trying to encourage Jill, who is having her first baby in the next couple of weeks. It was nice to not have children around and we could really talk.
I am thankful....
1. ...for time off from teaching Sunday School. I really love it, but for the next four weeks, there is no Sunday School for children or adults. That means I can sleep in and not feel rushed to get ready for church. What a blessing!
2. ...for the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo! We are members and it is so nice to be able to go whenever we want. The boys and I went three times this week. That doesn't happen that often, that we go so many times in one week, but that's what a member pass is for!!!
3. ...for our porch. Eric spent a lot of time the last couple of summers working on our back porch. This is the first summer that we've been really able to enjoy it. My parents came up and painted the floor for us - that was a huge blessing! I had some friends over this week and we just hung out on the porch and talk for hours. It was wonderful!
4. ...for the ESY program for Drew. He thrives on routine and it's been a blessing that he can attend summer school for three days a week. His teachers are just great and really work on his IEP goals.
5. ...for my husband's boss. I don't think I've ever met him, but I like him. Eric is supposed to go to NC for a weekend, but the people down there keep postponing for one reason or another. So, he hasn't gone yet. Anyway, Eric's boss approached him last week and told him that he had to take me out on a date and to bring the receipt back to him at work. I don't know many bosses that would do something like that. So, we are going to Cork 'n Cleaver on Monday. Neither of us have been there before, so it will be a treat!
6. ...for time with my sisters -in-law this week. We went out for dinner and had a great time talking and trying to encourage Jill, who is having her first baby in the next couple of weeks. It was nice to not have children around and we could really talk.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Parenting Re-Do
We were all at the zoo-loo-au Monday night and having a great time until Drew decided to have a melt down. He really wanted to ride the train, but we had gone on the boat ride instead. So, he screamed and cried and tried to run away to the train. Since Eric and I had driven seperately, I said I would take Drew home. No more fun for him! It was not a fun walk back to the entrance and as I was passing the gate, a zoo employee asked me what happened. I rolled my eyes and told her that he didn't want to leave the zoo. She looked at me odd and said something like, "okay, I can see that?" Then I looked down at Drew and he had blood all over his face and hands. He had given himself a nose bleed from being so upset! I didn't even notice! I wish I could do that parenting moment over again! That employee much have thought I punched him in the nose or was kidnapping him. I had even stopped before the exit to wipe Drew's eyes and runny nose. There was no blood then, I promise! Needless to say, I was thoroughly embarrassed and then had to dig through my purse to find kleenex. A dad walked by and handed me pile of napkins. Drew went to bed early that night! So did I!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Five for Friday
My friend started to blog five things she's thankful for on Fridays as a way to reflect the happenings of the week and to give thanks to God. I love that idea! So, I am stealing her idea and trying it for myself. We'll see how dedicated I am to writing every Friday. I am hoping though, that this will be and exercise of bringing glory to God and dwelling on Him instead of all the falls, discouragement and disappointments - which are so easy to remember!
So, here we go:
1. I am so thankful for special friends! They are the ones who ask what God is doing in my life and make me think. They are the ones who I can call several times a day to just say hey whatcha' doing. They are the ones who will listen to me vent and don't mind at all. They are the ones who make me cry, laugh the hardest, love my children like their own and challenge me to be a better me.
2. I am thankful for Thomas the Tank Engine underwear! Andrew is very willing to wear underwear most of the day, especially when it's Thomas. He even says, "Keep Thomas dry!" in a very sing songy way. And he does!
3. I am thankful for time alone with Jarod this week. We won't have many more opportunities to just hang out and do stuff together. We went to the FW History Museum on Tuesday while Andrew was at school and saw some model trains. Jarod is still in love with trains and I'm so thankful that he has a passion!
4. I love flip flops! I am thankful that they are cheap and that I can just throw them off and on. It's just one of those simple pleasures that make me smile!
5. I am so thankful for wonderful in-laws. I hear horror stories from people who don't get along with their in-laws, but I am blessed to have a mother-in-law whom I adore and admire. She comes up and babysits often for the boys without hesitation. We have wonderful conversations at the kitchen table about everything and she is a prayer warrior. Who could ask for anything more!
Okay, that was easier than I thought. What a wonderful way to begin my day! I have been meditating on Ps. 143. I love this passage:
So, here we go:
1. I am so thankful for special friends! They are the ones who ask what God is doing in my life and make me think. They are the ones who I can call several times a day to just say hey whatcha' doing. They are the ones who will listen to me vent and don't mind at all. They are the ones who make me cry, laugh the hardest, love my children like their own and challenge me to be a better me.
2. I am thankful for Thomas the Tank Engine underwear! Andrew is very willing to wear underwear most of the day, especially when it's Thomas. He even says, "Keep Thomas dry!" in a very sing songy way. And he does!
3. I am thankful for time alone with Jarod this week. We won't have many more opportunities to just hang out and do stuff together. We went to the FW History Museum on Tuesday while Andrew was at school and saw some model trains. Jarod is still in love with trains and I'm so thankful that he has a passion!
4. I love flip flops! I am thankful that they are cheap and that I can just throw them off and on. It's just one of those simple pleasures that make me smile!
5. I am so thankful for wonderful in-laws. I hear horror stories from people who don't get along with their in-laws, but I am blessed to have a mother-in-law whom I adore and admire. She comes up and babysits often for the boys without hesitation. We have wonderful conversations at the kitchen table about everything and she is a prayer warrior. Who could ask for anything more!
Okay, that was easier than I thought. What a wonderful way to begin my day! I have been meditating on Ps. 143. I love this passage:
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul.
It's been a great way to start my day and to be focused on the Lord.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Another huge potty success!
Today, Andrew did two amazing tasks that I didn't think were possible even several months ago.
The first was that he told me, "potty time?" He has only said that maybe two times since we've started this whole process of potty training. So, I said, "okay, let's go upstairs!" We went upstairs and I set him on the potty.
Then the second amazing task happened: he actually went poopy in the potty!!!!!!!! I have lost my voice and can't really talk, let alone scream at my son's accomplishment. So, I squeaked out some "good jobs", "yeah!!!"and "way to gos". And of course, lots of hugs and kisses! I'm not sure he fully understood the significance of what he just did, but I was so proud.
I'm hoping and praying that this not just a fluke, but that Andrew is finally "getting it". All I can do now is rejoice and thank my Father for this breakthrough!!!!!
The first was that he told me, "potty time?" He has only said that maybe two times since we've started this whole process of potty training. So, I said, "okay, let's go upstairs!" We went upstairs and I set him on the potty.
Then the second amazing task happened: he actually went poopy in the potty!!!!!!!! I have lost my voice and can't really talk, let alone scream at my son's accomplishment. So, I squeaked out some "good jobs", "yeah!!!"and "way to gos". And of course, lots of hugs and kisses! I'm not sure he fully understood the significance of what he just did, but I was so proud.
I'm hoping and praying that this not just a fluke, but that Andrew is finally "getting it". All I can do now is rejoice and thank my Father for this breakthrough!!!!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Last month we went on vacation to Pokagon State Park. We joke a lot with our friends that we go there. ("Yippee... a state park") However, we really do love it there! It is close enough to home that if we needed to leave we could, but far enough away that we don't run into people we know. It's just relaxing and the boys love it.
One of the things we tried this year was taking a boat out on the lake. Andrew loved it! He still talks about his life preserver a month later. I did get burned on my legs, but it was worth it.

One of the things we tried this year was taking a boat out on the lake. Andrew loved it! He still talks about his life preserver a month later. I did get burned on my legs, but it was worth it.

One of the boys favorite things to do is to go to the park. Andrew and Jarod love the tire swing and we could spend most of the time on it - getting dizzy in the process.

For some reason, Andrew wanted to wear his hat sideways. We thought it was cute. (Thanks Stacey for the hat!)

Here's our messy room. We left a note for housekeeping thanking them for cleaning around all our junk. We always bring way too much stuff, but with blankies, Andrew's wheel of fortune, books and Jarod's various pictures of trains (and now Spiderman), what's a mom to do?
For the last several years, we spend an hour or so at the miniture golf course. Jarod loves it! I of course, I had to pose like a diva. Not that I am on the putt putt course, but I had to try!

Andrew didn't want to play, so Eric took him inside to the video games. Andrew just sat and pretended to drive his car.
Here's one of my favorite pictures... my boys holding hands. Andrew is getting more attached to big brother all the time. I know Jarod feels special when Andrew wants to be with him!
For some reason, Andrew wanted to wear his hat sideways. We thought it was cute. (Thanks Stacey for the hat!)

Here's our messy room. We left a note for housekeeping thanking them for cleaning around all our junk. We always bring way too much stuff, but with blankies, Andrew's wheel of fortune, books and Jarod's various pictures of trains (and now Spiderman), what's a mom to do?

Andrew didn't want to play, so Eric took him inside to the video games. Andrew just sat and pretended to drive his car.
Here's one of my favorite pictures... my boys holding hands. Andrew is getting more attached to big brother all the time. I know Jarod feels special when Andrew wants to be with him!
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