Today, Andrew did two amazing tasks that I didn't think were possible even several months ago.
The first was that he told me, "potty time?" He has only said that maybe two times since we've started this whole process of potty training. So, I said, "okay, let's go upstairs!" We went upstairs and I set him on the potty.
Then the second amazing task happened: he actually went poopy in the potty!!!!!!!! I have lost my voice and can't really talk, let alone scream at my son's accomplishment. So, I squeaked out some "good jobs", "yeah!!!"and "way to gos". And of course, lots of hugs and kisses! I'm not sure he fully understood the significance of what he just did, but I was so proud.
I'm hoping and praying that this not just a fluke, but that Andrew is finally "getting it". All I can do now is rejoice and thank my Father for this breakthrough!!!!!
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