Thursday, August 21, 2008

Andrew's Open House

After Andrew and I dropped off Jarod at his first day of school, we headed over to Andrew's preschool for an open house where I fill out paper work and Andrew can play and get familiar again with his classroom. Andrew was fine when we pulled into the parking. Fine when we walked in the building. Fine when we went to the office to sign in. But as soon as we started walking down the hallway toward his classroom, the lip started to quiver and big tears began rolling down his cheeks. He was bawling by the time we reached the room. We walked in and he saw his teacher right away. He ran over to her and I thought, "Oh, how sweet! He's going to Mrs. Lange for some TLC and hugs." Oh, how wrong I was! He went over and kicked her in the leg. He was just mad. So, what could have been a really wonderful moment, was nothing more than a little boy letting his teacher know what he really thought of school starting.


Jennifer Kennedy said...

Okay ... I am laughing, I admit it. That is so cute. Okay, not that cute to you as his mom, but never the less, cute. I feel the same way every Monday morning ... but I don't have anyone to kick!

Becky Hansen said...

I laughed too. I had to keep it under wraps though, until I was in the van.