I know... I'm late. I tried several times to log in to type my five on Friday, but the computer wouldn't let me. So, now I'm on the lap top. No problems. Not sure what's up with our home computer. Lucky that I'm married to a computer wiz; maybe he can figure it out.
Anyway, here are my five for the week...
1. We had two great friends over on Thursday to watch the premiere of Survivor. It's become a tradition. We also get together at the finale. But that time we have sundaes as well!
2. I went out for coffee one night with a special friend. We get together to catch up, vent, cry and laugh together. It doesn't happen as often as we would like, but when we do, it renews our souls.
3. Jarod loves cub scouts. I am thankful that he has found an activity that he is excited about. It helps that dad is a co-leader. It's a special and fun time for the two of them to spend an evening together and then work on the assignments throughout the week. Eric was involved in boy scouts and almost made eagle scout. So, I think that Eric's justas excited about it as Jarod.
4. Andrew had his last post -op visit on Friday. His eye doctor was very pleased with how well the surgery has straightened Drew's eyes. In fact, when Drew looks through his bifocals his are dead on straight. I am so thankful for this doctor and that I can trust him!
5. We had a family reunion of sorts on Saturday in Roanoke. Eric and I have not seen his cousins in so long. It was great to be around Eric's family and catch up a bit. There are two new babies and another one on the way. It's nice to have some babies among us to hold!
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