1. I am thankful for school closings and two hour delays. I like having my kids around (most of the time) and it's nice not to have to be rushed!
2. Eric and I went to a meeting the night on autism. It really opened Eric's eyes to some things. I am thankful that he loves his kids and wants what is best for them.
3. I was able to talk to a dear friend on the phone the other day. We both had school closed and so it was a great opportunity to catch up. She has a daughter with special needs and it's wonderful to have a friend who can relate to all the "stuff" that come with having a kid that are different than others. We talked for an hour and half!!! We are both such the talkers!
4. Andrew is getting so good at navigating on the computer. Iam thankful that he is not watching as many videos these days, but now I can't get him off the computer! :>)
5. We are having friends over on Sunday for the Super Bowl. It will be great to hang out and watch a good game. Now..what to fix to munch on while watching Kurt Warner?
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
My 5 on Monday
I have somehow fallen off the bandwagon with writing my 5 things I'm thankful for on Fridays. I will try to start fresh this week and do two.
1. We had a great time celebrating Craig and Claire's birthdays on Saturday. I was so delighted to watch Andrew and his cousin Claire interact while playing Wheel of Forutne on the computer. Claire was calling out letters and Andrew turned to her and said, "Claire, F" He acknowledged her. Claire was so excited that Andrew didn't even hit her!
2. I am so proud of Jarod. He won first place at his Pinewood Derby for cub scouts on Friday. He even won grand champion for the whole pack. Way to go, Jarod! We are trying to teach him how to be a good sport in winning and losing. I am proud of Eric too. He was in charge of the night. He did a great job in calling out the winners, getting everything set up and making the evening so much fun for the cub scouts and their families.
3. I am so thankful that I could spend the afternoon with my mom on Friday. We had a belated celebratiion of her birthday by going to Casa's for lunch and then shopping. My dad took Andrew to Pizza Hut by himself. I think that was the first time my dad has done that. Hey had fun!
4. I sang on our praise team at church for the first time in a lonnngggg time. it was wonderful to worship God in that way and help the congregation worship Him too. I am thankful for my friend, Tammy who kept things in SS under control until I got there.
5. I am so thankful to God for being a part of every little detail in my life!
1. We had a great time celebrating Craig and Claire's birthdays on Saturday. I was so delighted to watch Andrew and his cousin Claire interact while playing Wheel of Forutne on the computer. Claire was calling out letters and Andrew turned to her and said, "Claire, F" He acknowledged her. Claire was so excited that Andrew didn't even hit her!
2. I am so proud of Jarod. He won first place at his Pinewood Derby for cub scouts on Friday. He even won grand champion for the whole pack. Way to go, Jarod! We are trying to teach him how to be a good sport in winning and losing. I am proud of Eric too. He was in charge of the night. He did a great job in calling out the winners, getting everything set up and making the evening so much fun for the cub scouts and their families.
3. I am so thankful that I could spend the afternoon with my mom on Friday. We had a belated celebratiion of her birthday by going to Casa's for lunch and then shopping. My dad took Andrew to Pizza Hut by himself. I think that was the first time my dad has done that. Hey had fun!
4. I sang on our praise team at church for the first time in a lonnngggg time. it was wonderful to worship God in that way and help the congregation worship Him too. I am thankful for my friend, Tammy who kept things in SS under control until I got there.
5. I am so thankful to God for being a part of every little detail in my life!
25 things about me
I was tagged to do this on facebook and thought it would be fun to post this here too.
1. I have had glasses since I was three years old. I even had bifocals for a while. I then finally got contacts in 7th grade. But now, I am back to wearing glasses againl. I'm just old. Besides, my 4 1/2 year old gets upset when I don't have my glasses on.
2. My husband proposed to me before a production of Crazy for You at Rose Hullman. He and his quartet sang "For the Longest Time" while I was sitting on stage next to a table with a rose on it. After the song, Eric got down on one knee and proposed. We have it on tape!
3. If I could move my entire family, friends and their families, my church and my house, I would move to Roanoke, VA. Eric and i lived there for a year after we were married. I loved the southern hospitality and the beautiful mountains. But alas, no one is willing to move.
4. Autism is now a word that is part of our family. Andrew was diagnosed in Jan. of 2008. I now know why God allowed me to work in special education for 3 years and not a get a classroom teaching job. it was to be ready for our child.
5. I hate hospitals. I don't like the smell. I don't like being around sick people. But, God's working on me. I've visited a couple of people now...I went with a friend.
6. I was a stand- up comic once. I bombed. I decided that comedy was not my gig.
7. I have a goal to paint my front room by March 9. Haven't even taken the Christmas tree down yet. We'll see if I make.
8. I have a passion for MOPS and reaching out to moms.
9. I took piano lessons for 8 years, but I can't even play Happy birthday. How sad is that! My piano teacher's name was Rowena and she had blue hair. the best part of lessons was playing duets with my cousins. We would just giggle and get in trouble.
10. I am loving Bible Study Fellowship this year. I love learning about Moses and the Tabernacle.
11. My favorite tv show ever is Little House on the Prairie. I liked it when Pa cried. My neighbor and I used to play Little House. She would be Mary and I was Laura. One time, she spent the night and we wore shower caps to bed and called my dad "Pa."
12. I've always wanted to be the Narrator in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat. Don't think it will ever happen, but a girl can dream, right!
13. I made my acting debut in college. Never thought I would get the acting bug, but it was a great release for me and got me to step out of my comfort zone.
14. I love the movie, Cars. I will watch it by myself without kids.
15. Most Monday mornings I hang out with my best friend, Jen. We drink coffee and talk, talk, talk and talk. Did I mention that we talk? We also laugh a lot!
16. I don't like to grocery shop. My husband goes on Saturdays with the list and comes home with everything. Shoe shopping is a different story!
17. I love Celtic Women!!! I got in a zone when they are on PBS. It's mesmerizing. I have the vidoes, but when they are PBS, I can't turn the channel. I think they are coming to the Fort this summer. I want to go!
18. I've lived in Fort Wayne long enough now, that I call it "the Fort".
19. I don't like to bake. It's messy. Too many steps. I have to then clean up the mess. I'm a terrible mom because my kids don't get cookies and milk after school. That's another reason I go to Jen's- to get some yummy baked goods. My mom would actually have cookies and milk waiting for my brother and I after school. She is such the Martha Stewart.
20. It is Jan. 26 and my Christmas tree is still up. I feel like I am in the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where they left the suitcase on the stairs. Nobody would talk about it, but Debra and Ray thought the other should take it upstairs. That's why my tree is not down. I think Eric should take it down and he probably thinks I should. So, it's a silent battle of the wills.
21. I like to do laundry. There's a sense of accomplishment when the clothes smell good and are folded in the baskets. Now, just to get them to the drawers...
22. I want a new mini van. Yes, I am one of those crazy moms who actually really likes them! There's a chance we could get one this summer. I don't need anything real fancy, just one with automatic windows. Our van now has the crank windows. It's really frustrating at the drivethrough window and I have bend down and use muscle to open my window. Then if it's cold or raining, I have to do several times before I leave the fast food place. I know...I'm lazy.
23. I don't like to wear lipstick. It feels gloppy and it comes off so quickly. What's the point? I do love a great chapstick though!
24. I have never been to Disney World. It's okay, though. I will enjoy it someday with my family. We did go to Florida when I was in high school. My brother and I convinced our parents to get a suite at the hotel. That was awesome, especially since we normally went to State parks and had just one room. I have fond memories of the State Parks. We got lost on a dry creek bed once at Clifty Falls. We couldn't find our trail. We were walking forever. We even past a "real" hiker with a walking stick, backpack and a water bottle. I just had on my keds sneakers! We ended up walking from one end of the park to the other. When we finally found our way out, we made our dad go back to get our van. Ha ha.
25. My favorite type of food is Mexican. Love going to Banditos! But I also love a really good steak with sauted mushrooms and onions.
1. I have had glasses since I was three years old. I even had bifocals for a while. I then finally got contacts in 7th grade. But now, I am back to wearing glasses againl. I'm just old. Besides, my 4 1/2 year old gets upset when I don't have my glasses on.
2. My husband proposed to me before a production of Crazy for You at Rose Hullman. He and his quartet sang "For the Longest Time" while I was sitting on stage next to a table with a rose on it. After the song, Eric got down on one knee and proposed. We have it on tape!
3. If I could move my entire family, friends and their families, my church and my house, I would move to Roanoke, VA. Eric and i lived there for a year after we were married. I loved the southern hospitality and the beautiful mountains. But alas, no one is willing to move.
4. Autism is now a word that is part of our family. Andrew was diagnosed in Jan. of 2008. I now know why God allowed me to work in special education for 3 years and not a get a classroom teaching job. it was to be ready for our child.
5. I hate hospitals. I don't like the smell. I don't like being around sick people. But, God's working on me. I've visited a couple of people now...I went with a friend.
6. I was a stand- up comic once. I bombed. I decided that comedy was not my gig.
7. I have a goal to paint my front room by March 9. Haven't even taken the Christmas tree down yet. We'll see if I make.
8. I have a passion for MOPS and reaching out to moms.
9. I took piano lessons for 8 years, but I can't even play Happy birthday. How sad is that! My piano teacher's name was Rowena and she had blue hair. the best part of lessons was playing duets with my cousins. We would just giggle and get in trouble.
10. I am loving Bible Study Fellowship this year. I love learning about Moses and the Tabernacle.
11. My favorite tv show ever is Little House on the Prairie. I liked it when Pa cried. My neighbor and I used to play Little House. She would be Mary and I was Laura. One time, she spent the night and we wore shower caps to bed and called my dad "Pa."
12. I've always wanted to be the Narrator in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat. Don't think it will ever happen, but a girl can dream, right!
13. I made my acting debut in college. Never thought I would get the acting bug, but it was a great release for me and got me to step out of my comfort zone.
14. I love the movie, Cars. I will watch it by myself without kids.
15. Most Monday mornings I hang out with my best friend, Jen. We drink coffee and talk, talk, talk and talk. Did I mention that we talk? We also laugh a lot!
16. I don't like to grocery shop. My husband goes on Saturdays with the list and comes home with everything. Shoe shopping is a different story!
17. I love Celtic Women!!! I got in a zone when they are on PBS. It's mesmerizing. I have the vidoes, but when they are PBS, I can't turn the channel. I think they are coming to the Fort this summer. I want to go!
18. I've lived in Fort Wayne long enough now, that I call it "the Fort".
19. I don't like to bake. It's messy. Too many steps. I have to then clean up the mess. I'm a terrible mom because my kids don't get cookies and milk after school. That's another reason I go to Jen's- to get some yummy baked goods. My mom would actually have cookies and milk waiting for my brother and I after school. She is such the Martha Stewart.
20. It is Jan. 26 and my Christmas tree is still up. I feel like I am in the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where they left the suitcase on the stairs. Nobody would talk about it, but Debra and Ray thought the other should take it upstairs. That's why my tree is not down. I think Eric should take it down and he probably thinks I should. So, it's a silent battle of the wills.
21. I like to do laundry. There's a sense of accomplishment when the clothes smell good and are folded in the baskets. Now, just to get them to the drawers...
22. I want a new mini van. Yes, I am one of those crazy moms who actually really likes them! There's a chance we could get one this summer. I don't need anything real fancy, just one with automatic windows. Our van now has the crank windows. It's really frustrating at the drivethrough window and I have bend down and use muscle to open my window. Then if it's cold or raining, I have to do several times before I leave the fast food place. I know...I'm lazy.
23. I don't like to wear lipstick. It feels gloppy and it comes off so quickly. What's the point? I do love a great chapstick though!
24. I have never been to Disney World. It's okay, though. I will enjoy it someday with my family. We did go to Florida when I was in high school. My brother and I convinced our parents to get a suite at the hotel. That was awesome, especially since we normally went to State parks and had just one room. I have fond memories of the State Parks. We got lost on a dry creek bed once at Clifty Falls. We couldn't find our trail. We were walking forever. We even past a "real" hiker with a walking stick, backpack and a water bottle. I just had on my keds sneakers! We ended up walking from one end of the park to the other. When we finally found our way out, we made our dad go back to get our van. Ha ha.
25. My favorite type of food is Mexican. Love going to Banditos! But I also love a really good steak with sauted mushrooms and onions.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I've been tagged
My friend, Rachel tagged me to take a side trip from my usual postings. So here goes.. The rules are to go to the place on your computer where you keep your pictures, choose the 4th folder, choose the 4th picture in that folder, explain the picture, then tag 4 other people to do the same.
This picture was taken in Feb. 2008. I have my pics organized by months, which are alphabetical. Anyway, the is a picture of the train track that Jarod and Eric put together one day. I think Jarod wanted a picture because I'm sure Andrew was on his way to knocking it down.
So, it's not a great picture, but it does give a small glimpse into our life with a perfectionist 8year old and a little brother who likes to knock things down.
This picture was taken in Feb. 2008. I have my pics organized by months, which are alphabetical. Anyway, the is a picture of the train track that Jarod and Eric put together one day. I think Jarod wanted a picture because I'm sure Andrew was on his way to knocking it down.
So, it's not a great picture, but it does give a small glimpse into our life with a perfectionist 8year old and a little brother who likes to knock things down.
Friday, January 9, 2009
My five on a snowy Friday
1. I am so thankful that both the boys have had great checkups with the eye doctor. Jarod won't have to go back for a whole year. Andrew doesn't have to go back until July and then he might be able to get rid of his bifocals. It seems like for the last 6 years we have been going to the eye doctor every other month. It's good to have a doctor that we can trust, but it's also good to not have to see him so regularly!
2. I enjoyed our snow day this week. The boys and I went to lunch and then ran some errands. I'm not sure why the schools were closed, but I'm thankful that i got a day to play with my boys.
3. Unfortunately, Eric came down with strep again on the snow day. So, he was home sick. I'm thankful that he is better today and went back to work.
4. My mom's birthday was Wed. I won't mention her age because she would let me have it! I am thankful for her life and others that have been impacted by her friendship. She is amazing with the elderly. She knows several of the residents that live in the unit of the nursing home with my Grandma. My mom faithfully checks on them as well. I am inspired by that!
5. I am thankful for the burden lifted off my shoulders. I have decided not to send out Christmas cards/letter/picture this year. With all of us being sick at some point throughout the month of December and the changes that came with the power outages, I have lost my spark to get them done. I think I will post my letter here this week and send it over e-mail. Hopefully, that isn't lame. On the bright side, I have cards waiting for me next year!
2. I enjoyed our snow day this week. The boys and I went to lunch and then ran some errands. I'm not sure why the schools were closed, but I'm thankful that i got a day to play with my boys.
3. Unfortunately, Eric came down with strep again on the snow day. So, he was home sick. I'm thankful that he is better today and went back to work.
4. My mom's birthday was Wed. I won't mention her age because she would let me have it! I am thankful for her life and others that have been impacted by her friendship. She is amazing with the elderly. She knows several of the residents that live in the unit of the nursing home with my Grandma. My mom faithfully checks on them as well. I am inspired by that!
5. I am thankful for the burden lifted off my shoulders. I have decided not to send out Christmas cards/letter/picture this year. With all of us being sick at some point throughout the month of December and the changes that came with the power outages, I have lost my spark to get them done. I think I will post my letter here this week and send it over e-mail. Hopefully, that isn't lame. On the bright side, I have cards waiting for me next year!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Christmas pics
Here are some pictures of our Christmas as a family. We actually celebrated on Christmas Eve morning. It was very fun. There was no rush to get to the family gathering and we were then able to stay home and enjoy our gifts together.
Our family gift...the Wii! Never thought I would be excited over a video game, but I love it!
Friday, January 2, 2009
My 5 for Friday
Happy New Year!
1. I am thankful that I am finally feeling better! After strep throat, the flu, and now a nasty cold, I'm on the mend. I am praying that no one else in the family gets sick especially since school starts up again on Monday.
2. I am thankful for wonderful times with family over the holidays. We spent Christmas day with Eric's family. That is always a fun time. Then we spent the next two days with my family. We took our Wii down and it was just hilarious to watch my dad! He is such a kid at heart, even in his late 60's.
3. I am thankful for 12 years of marriage to an amazing husband. We had our anniversary on Dec. 28, but didn't celebrate it because I was sick. So, we'll catch up on that this month. We were blessed with a couple of gift cards to restaurants. Can't wait.
4. I am thankful that I have been able to reconnect with some old friends through facebook. it's been fun to see them with their families and how God is using them. (When I first signed up for facebook, I didn't see the point. I couldn't see why people would be interested in this new 'thing" and what was I supposed to do with it. Well, now I get it. )
5. I'm thankful for a new year. God worked in my life in 2008, but I'm excited to see where He takes me in 2009.
1. I am thankful that I am finally feeling better! After strep throat, the flu, and now a nasty cold, I'm on the mend. I am praying that no one else in the family gets sick especially since school starts up again on Monday.
2. I am thankful for wonderful times with family over the holidays. We spent Christmas day with Eric's family. That is always a fun time. Then we spent the next two days with my family. We took our Wii down and it was just hilarious to watch my dad! He is such a kid at heart, even in his late 60's.
3. I am thankful for 12 years of marriage to an amazing husband. We had our anniversary on Dec. 28, but didn't celebrate it because I was sick. So, we'll catch up on that this month. We were blessed with a couple of gift cards to restaurants. Can't wait.
4. I am thankful that I have been able to reconnect with some old friends through facebook. it's been fun to see them with their families and how God is using them. (When I first signed up for facebook, I didn't see the point. I couldn't see why people would be interested in this new 'thing" and what was I supposed to do with it. Well, now I get it. )
5. I'm thankful for a new year. God worked in my life in 2008, but I'm excited to see where He takes me in 2009.
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