Here are some pictures of our Christmas as a family. We actually celebrated on Christmas Eve morning. It was very fun. There was no rush to get to the family gathering and we were then able to stay home and enjoy our gifts together.

Our family gift...the
Wii! Never thought I would be excited over a video game, but I love it!
Jarod and his build your own light saber. I think he can make over 1,000 different light sabers with this kit. Eric got him a special box to put all the pieces in.

Jarod is holding Andrew's present while Andrew unwraps. Andrew was into unwrapping his gifts this year. It's fun to see him interacting with us this year at Christmas!

Eric wasn't really surprised. He went out and bought what he needed and I wrapped it. Love the staged surprised look, th0ugh!

Present time, present time, open your presents, see what's inside!
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