Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm back!

I know, I know. What happened to blogging? I don't have an answer. All I know is that I want to start blogging again.

I'm missing Rachel today. She passed away 6 months ago. Hard to believe that she's not here. I'm thankful for my hope in Christ!

I'm happy that we went on vacation, but Jarod is still trying to catch up on homework. I don't think his teacher is all that worried about it. But I still want him to get it done.

I went to my friend's house today for their "welcome back home" open house. they had a fire last spring and lost just about everything. it was wonderful to see them back in their house with all the new things. So happy for them!

Well, now that I've started, I think I'll give my brain a rest. Just some rambling thoughts today.


naswanson said...

welcome back. You have been missed here.

Amy said...

Glad you're back! Maybe you'll be the inspiration I need to blog again too.