Sunday, December 21, 2008
My thanks...
2. Andrew had a very cute holiday party in class on Wed. The kids wore a shirt with a gingerbread man on it. We sang songs about the gingerbread man and we did the snowman hokey pokey. I even tried to make a gingerbread house with Andrew. It didn't turn out very well. I didn't take a was that bad. Andrew has such a wonderful teacher and aide. I am really going to miss them when Andrew is in kindergarten.
3. Eric and I went to Flat Top Grill last Friday night for dinner. It is one of our favorite places to eat. We haven't been there in such a long time though. Our kids were at breakaway for the evening at Avalon. I am so thankful for that program. It is a time for the parents of special needs kids to get a break for a couple of hours. It has been such a blessing to our family!
4. Jarod was able to meet his teacher's husband last week at school. Mr. C. is in the army and is home from a year long deployment to Iraq. The kids made him a banner to welcome him home. I am thankul for his service to our country, but more thankful that he is home with his family for Christmas.
5. I am thankful that the children's Christmas program at church last Sunday went well. I was so pleased that Andrew got up on stage. I am so thankful for Sherri and Kay for helping Andrew that morning. I am so proud of Jarod too. He said his lines so well with such confidence. My little boys are growing up so fast! It was a wonderful and simple way to share about Jesus' birthday.
Friday, December 12, 2008
my five for friday
2. I had lunch with my sister-in-law today. It is always good to be with her. She makes me laugh.
3. Eric's birthday was Wed. We went to Banditos for dinner. We had terrible service (which is odd for us), but Eric got a free birthday meal, so it was worth it. I am so thankful for my husband. He is a wonderful, Godly man. He is an amazing father and I am blessed to be married to him!
4. I am thankful that all the sickness is gone from the house. I'm praying the boys don't get sick. I need to buy a new can of Lysol so we can keep our house germ free for a while!
5. I am so thankful for the birth of Jesus and that I get to have a relationship with Him!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Giving Thanks
1. I am so thankful for a loving husband who has (and is) taking care of his sicky wife. He stayed home from work on Friday so I could sleep. Eric and Andrew went to Burger King for lunch. I am so blessed.
2. As some of you know, I had a horrible afternoon on Thursday with my Andrew. His autism was in full force. I had recieved some sad news before I picked Andrew up from school. I was crying and I don't know if he sensed that and that's why he acted out, but it was ugly. We then went to the dentist. Andrew just had a meltdown. Kicking and screaming and crying. I ended up just sobbing. Anyway, I kept thinking later, "Where was God in all of that?" I know that God goes before us, so I asked him to show me where He was that day...
a. He allowed time for me to grieve a little with someone and share our sorrow together.
b. Andrew's classmate that drives him nuts was not there on Thurs.
c. We didn't have to wait at all in the waiting room at the dentist office.
d. The hygenist is a friend of mine and she just hugged me and let me cry.
e. There was no charge for the appointment.
f. I had many encouraging facebook messages and phone calls later that evening.
I knew God was there, I just had to look beyond the tears.
3. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at my parent's house in Indy. We had a very yummy lunch with my brother and his family and mom and dad. Their daughter Kylie is quite the little girl. She loves to play with dolls. My mom saved all the dolls I had growing up and now Kylie thinks they are hers. Anyway, it was a joy to play with her and the dolls. Brought back fond memories of my childhood!
4. Tuesday night we went to Pizza Hut for dinner. They have a great kid's night with a magician! Andrew's teachers have been working on him saying hello to people. So, when the waitress came to our table, he looked right at her and said, "Good morning, Pizza." I was smiling from ear to ear!
5. I am done decorating for Christmas! All that needs to be done now is to put the boxes away. ( I think that Eric's job...) :>)
6. Jarod's teacher is a blessing. She is just great! I am thankful that she gets some time off next week to be with her hubby. He's been gone for a whole year in Iraq. I pray that their family has a wonderful time celebrating!
7. We are having some successes with potty training. Andrew is wearing underwear more and more, but still fights us at times to go potty. I keep praying that this will all end soon! But I keep rejoicing in the little joys!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My 5 (really late)
1. I am very thankful that my hubby is finally feeling better. He's been home sick for about 5 days with strep throat. I will be able to sleep in my own bed tonight!
2. Andrew has a new friend. Okay, not necessarily new, but he now wants to see Kay at church every time we go. It is so neat for me to see him interacting with others and asking to see people. I am also thankful for Kay's candle. It makes Andrew's day!
3. We had a family birthday party in Huntington on Sat. to celebrate our nephew's 13th birthday. Wow! 13. When did that happen. I'm so proud of Ryan. He's pulled his grades up, joined the wrestling team and seems to be finding his place in middle school. I am thankful for family that is supportive!
4. There was a two hour delay on Friday. Eric was feeling well enough to stay with Jarod while I was able to help a friend out in the morning. I feel blessed when things like that happen. I was wondering how I was going to be able to help , but God worked it out. It's the little things that I am so grateful for when life gets a little nutty.
5. It has been fun to watch Jarod and Andrew interact with each other this week. Jarod starts this game with Andrew by asking, "What's your name?" And then Andrew will say, "Fred." Jarod responds, "That's not your name. What's your name?" Of course, there are lots of tickles and giggles between them. They will go back and forth for a few minutes with this little bit. I love it!
Friday, November 14, 2008
My 5
2. I get to have breakfast in the morning with my college roommate, Valerie. I haven't seen her in ages and I'm looking forward to catching up.
3. Eric and I get a date tonight! The kids are going to Breakaway at Avalon and we are going to Casa's for dinner. We are double dating with Matt and Jen. Can't wait for good food, good friends and good conversation.
4. I am thankful that God is my provider. He provides me daily with what I need.
5. I am thankful for being a little under the weather this week. I know....that sounds strange. But it has allowed me to just stay home, get some things done around the house, rest! and play with Andrew. I am usually just on the go for one reason or another. I have even watched a movie that didn't have Luke Skywalker or Thomas the Train in it! That was refreshing.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
pink socks
Monday, November 10, 2008
October pics
Here's Jarod and his buddy, Kris ready to get some candy.

This is closest thing we could get to a costume for Andrew. We called him Tom Sawyer with an engineer hat.

Friday, November 7, 2008
My 5...okay 6
2. Thank you, Amy for your kind words on mothering. It is so nice to be encouraged after dealing with a meltdown at Wendy's tonight. I'm thankful for you and how you encourage me at just the right moments. You are a true mentor.
3. I have absolutely loved this weather this week. The boys had so much fun playing outside and in the tree in the backyard. (That's a new favorite...makes momma nervous though!) Our tree with the vibrant red leaves in the front yard is a constant reminder of my Creator and the beauty of His creation. It has been a delight to see as I take Drew to the bus in the morning.
4. We have nothing planned for our Saturday. I love those days that we can sit in our jammies until mid-morning or even noon! Jarod is looking forward to spending the whole day with his dad.
5. I am thankful that I was able to talk with my BFF online this week. I miss her terribly, but know that she's following the Lord with her family in PNG. I look forward to catching up with her in this next year when they are home on home assignment.
6. God is teaching me to depend on Him. I am studying the life of Moses in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) this year. We just studied the part when God provided the Israelites with manna. He gave them exactly what they needed; no more, no less. I need to remember that God gives me my "manna" daily and will keep providing for me. I don't have to worry about the future or even tomorrow. God is so good.
Friday, October 31, 2008
5 for Friday
2. I am thankful for new and deepening friendships. The boys and I went to a friend's house on Thursday afternoon. It is nice to be able to talk about Andrew's needs with someone who also has a child with autism. I am really enjoying the time that I spend with her!
3. Parent/teacher conferences were today. Both the boys are doing well! They are both blessed to have wonderful teachers who I know honestly care about them.
4. I absolutely love my new Pampered Chef scrub brush. It works so well! I don't have to scrub real hard on my dishes or pans with stuck on food that has been there since I put the dish in the sink. (I won't gross you out on exactly how long that was, though!)
5. I am thankful that God is in control and He already knows the outcome of the election. I keep saying that I am going to move to my own private island and be my own government. But then I wouldn't get to see God's plan work out for His glory. No matter who wins.
Friday, October 24, 2008
5 for Friday
2. Eric comes home on Thursday! Less than one week to go. The boys and I have managed really well. This weekend might be challenging, but we'll make it!
3. I am so thankful that I can talk to my best friend on line. I miss her very much, but she'll be back in the states soon. We had a great chat last night and I am so proud of her for following God's will for her life.
4. Even though Andrew does not tolerate me brushing his hair, he does sit perfectly still at Big League Barbers. The gals there are so good with Drew! He only flinches when they spray the water on his hair. Having a lollipop to suck on doesn't hurt either!
5. My mother in law is just awesome. She is making Jarod's costume for Halloween. He wants to be Luke Skywalker from Return of the Jedi, so that is a very specific outfit. Anyway, Jarod was smiling ear to ear when he tried it on Wed. night. He didn't want to take it off. He is just so excited. Thanks, mom!
Friday, October 17, 2008
5 for Friday
2. I am learning so much about God's character through Bible Study Fellowship this year. We are studying the life of Moses. I've been challenged by how everything is in God's time and that his timing is perfect. I need to trust in that when I am getting anxious about things. God will show me in his perfect timing.
3. I'm thankful that Jarod is growing up, however I don't like it when he tells me, "Mom, do I have to sit with you on the bus for the field trip? I sit with you all the time!" ouch. My 8 year old has reached the milestone of it's not cool to be with your mom. But, he did hold my hand as we entered the school and said, "Thanks for coming, Mom."
4. I am so thankful for my oh so wonderful friend who came over last night and helped me clean and organize our back room/ junk room. It was in a desperate need of cleaning. We spent about two hours vaccumming, putting away videos in their boxes, sorting through junk and trash and also having fun in the process. So, thank you Jen. I love you!
5. My parents are coming this weekend to help me with Jarod's party on Sunday. It will be nice to have some extra hands and hugs for the boys. Maybe I can even slip away for an hour with my mom to do some shopping! :>)
Monday, October 13, 2008
5 for Monday
2. The boys had a blast with Grandma and Papa Pete in Indy. They went to a train museum in Noblesville and rode a train to a pumpkin patch. Andrew and Papa bonded and had snuggle time when Andrew fell asleep on the train. Grandpa always likes that.
3. Jarod turned 8 on Sunday. Every year I say, "Where did the time go?" and I said it again this year. He is growing up in so many different ways. He is reading more and more every day. He even read a book to himself over the weekend. Very cool! Jarod is growing taller too. He is wearing a size 10 slim jean and size 5 tennis shoe. Jaro d is also growing spiritually. He's wanting to do daily devotionals and memorize his Bible verses for church. We are so proud of him!
4. Now that Jarod is 8 he doesn't have to sit in a booster seat anymore. Yeah!
5. Eric is on his way to Tawain right now for business. I am so thankful that he has a job that is secure.
6. And one more... I am thankful that God is in control and knows everything that happens. Even when I don't understand what God is doing, I know that He has a plan and we have to praise and worship Him through the storms of life. I'm praying for God's peace in the midst of storms.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Andrew and candles
Saturday, October 4, 2008
5 for Friday (one day late again)
2. Eric and I went out on a date last night. We went to see Ironman at the $1 theater. I loved the movie. Robert Downey Jr. was perfectly cast in the role. I will look forward to a sequal! I am thankful that we can call on Eric's mom to come and babysit. She enjoys being with the grandkids and we don't have to pay her!
3. We had a wonderful time with new friends on Thurs. night. Jarod loved playing with their boys and even Andrew felt comfortable enough to sit with Joy for a while. We laughed and learned more about each other. I am really looking forward to spending time with them this year.
4. I am thankful for what God is teaching me through BSF this year. I am learning about God's compassion for His people and that he is a promise keeper. I am also thankful for the group of women that I have the privelage of learning from each week. Each of them brings insight and a love for His Word. It's become a highlight of my week.
5. Eric will be home all day today. He finally finished working on the car and will be able to spend the day with Jarod and Drew. He will be leaving soon for Tawain and to spend the day with the boys will be a blessing to all of them.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
5 for Sunday
Anyway, here are my five for the week...
1. We had two great friends over on Thursday to watch the premiere of Survivor. It's become a tradition. We also get together at the finale. But that time we have sundaes as well!
2. I went out for coffee one night with a special friend. We get together to catch up, vent, cry and laugh together. It doesn't happen as often as we would like, but when we do, it renews our souls.
3. Jarod loves cub scouts. I am thankful that he has found an activity that he is excited about. It helps that dad is a co-leader. It's a special and fun time for the two of them to spend an evening together and then work on the assignments throughout the week. Eric was involved in boy scouts and almost made eagle scout. So, I think that Eric's justas excited about it as Jarod.
4. Andrew had his last post -op visit on Friday. His eye doctor was very pleased with how well the surgery has straightened Drew's eyes. In fact, when Drew looks through his bifocals his are dead on straight. I am so thankful for this doctor and that I can trust him!
5. We had a family reunion of sorts on Saturday in Roanoke. Eric and I have not seen his cousins in so long. It was great to be around Eric's family and catch up a bit. There are two new babies and another one on the way. It's nice to have some babies among us to hold!
Monday, September 22, 2008
A good dentist visit...who knew!
Well, today it was actually a very pleasant experience. Not the actual part of cleaning of my teeth , but talking to my hygienist was an absolute joy. I was in the chair for about an hour, which is about 30 minutes longer than usual. We giggled and talked about God and how He is in control of our lives, not us. I walked away not only with a clean mouth and teeth, but with a renewed clean spirit as well. It was nice to talk with an adult about adult things.
I will never be one to get excited about the dentist, but if my hygienist is there I know I will just enjoy talking with her; even if she has to scrape a little.
Friday, September 19, 2008
5 for Friday
2. I love teaching the 3 year old Sunday School class at my church. I love being able to teach them about God's Word and to see them come to an understanding of Jesus' love for them.
3. The ministry of MOPS is so important to moms. I am so thankful that I had four years of coordinating our group. I am also so thankful that I am NOT coordinating now. I will enjoy just going as a mom and leading a small group. To me, that's one of the most beneficial parts of MOPS; encouraging the moms and praying for them. And if they don't know Jesus personally, to show them how to have a relationship with Him. It's going to be a good year!
4. Andrew is talking more each day. The other day as we were getting out of the van in our garage, Andrew looked at me and said, "Mommy, Andrew's turn!" And he pointed to the garage door opener. He wanted to push the button. I am was so thankful for that little bit of communication!
5. Jarod is getting so adventurous! He is basically riding home from school himself on his bike. Usually, I will bring his bike to him after school and then he beats me home! He can be very timid about things, but the fact that he wants to go by himself makes me proud. Yes, a little nervous too, but it's not that far to our house from the school. He is growing up way too fast!
Friday, September 12, 2008
5 for Friday
2. I am so thankful that Bible Study Fellowship has started up again. I am looking forward to being in the Word regularly and hearing what other women in my group have learned from Lord in their study. We are studying the life of Moses.
3. On Saturday, we spent the afternoon with Eric's family. I got to hold baby Adelynn. She is just adorable. What a blessings little babies are. She has brought great joy to our family.
4. Andrew finished up his first full week of school yesterday. (He only goes Mon. - Thurs.) He is doing really well! His teacher has been delighted with his progress and how much he is talking. I am so thankful that Andrew can be in school.
5. My dear friend and I had a wonderful talk on Sunday. It was very brief, but it impacted my heart. I am thankful for her insight and Godly character she shows me. God is working in my life by showing me that everything I do is for Him. It's not about me.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Biker Mama
Friday, September 5, 2008
Five for Friday...
2. Andrew is doing really well in school! He looks forward to the bus coming and hasn't even kicked his teacher! :>) He's also recovering very well from his surgery. His eyes don't look quite so red and I can already tell a difference in how much less his eyes are crossing.
3. My brother, Mitch starts a new job this week. He has been looking for a new start for about a year and God open the doors for him at just the right time. He had been with the same organization for around 10 years. He will now be working at his church in Indianapolis as an assistant to one of the pastors. He will also be in charge of the programs at the church. I'm so proud of him!
4. I was able to talk my dad through a computer task over the phone. That is usually Eric's area, but I proved that I could do it and it made sense to my dad! Big accomplishment for me!
5. I got to spend time with my niece and nephew (Kylie and Trent) over the weekend. They are growing up so fast. It takes a while for them to warm up to me, but once they have, it is ajoy to be around them playing and talking.
Friday, August 29, 2008
5 for Friday...
2. Jarod has had a good first full week of school. I really like his teacher and I love his room. It is about twice as big as his room last year. He has a "meeting" corner where the teacher reads Magic Treehouse books. Very nice! Back to school night went well. I'm looking forward to helping out some in the class!
3. Andrew will be going back to school on Tuesday. I know that we are both ready to get back into routine. Andrew is getting so active. I think he's bored. School is needed for both of us right now.
4. We are heading to Indy for the long weekend. My birthday is Tuesday and so we will celebrate with my family. We have talked about going downtown to the canal and taking a paddle boat on the water. andrew has been fasinated with boats recently, so that should be fun for him.
5. My friends have been so wonderful this week. Kris made us dinner. Jennifer called several times to check on me and Drew. Daniss, Laura and Cathleen were kind of enough (and brave enough) to help me put Drew's drops in. What a blessing to have friends like that!
Thank you Jesus for all your blessings during this crazy and tiring week!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thankful Heart
This was our great nurse, Linda. She walked us through when we came to visit and she was Andrew's surgery nurse. She carried him to surgery. I love her!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
5 for Friday (one day late...)
1. That Jarod loves school. He has had a great start to the school year! He loves riding his bike home from school and really likes his teacher. I think it's going to be a great year!
2. For parents that live close enough to come and help out when they can. My mom and dad are coming up Sunday night to help take care of Jarod while Andrew has surgery on Monday.
3. For a God that is in control. There's nothing I can do while Andrew is in surgery - except pray! God has already gone before us to the surgery room and knows what the outcome will. I am thankful that I trust in that and fully rest in His arms.
4. That we get to spend the evening tonight with good friends. We are having a cookout with former neighbors. The kids will have a blast playing together and the adults will enjoy good conversation and fellowship.
5. For e-mail! I can write to my best friend in PNG whenever I want! I miss her, but I am thankful that she can be back in the states next summer. I think our phone bill will be higher than ever, though. We haven't talked in years!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Andrew's Open House
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
State Fair fun
There was a pretend farm in the kiddie area that was intended to show children what it is like to work on a farm. Kylie was so excited about the pink tractor! The kids were even "paid" for the crops and their hard work. They were able to then go to a store and get a real treat!
I think God's telling me something...
I also read Amy's blog this morning and her fear of sending her son off to school. I've been reading about fear in the Word. In 1John 4 it talks about that because God is love, there is no fear in love. I need to dwell on this and let it just saturate my spirit.
We are entering 2nd grade with Jarod and another year of preschool for Drew. I am excited about all that they will learn this year, but I am also worried and fearful; with Drew especially. There is so much unknown for his life. There's not going to be "normal" for him like I know it.
But through all of this...I am confident that God is teaching me again to rely on Him. I need to imagine all the possibilities for Drew and redefine "normal". I need not to be fearful, but rejoice for all that God will accomplish in my boy's lives.
God is good!
Friday, August 8, 2008
5 for Friday
2. This week has been a pretty lazy week for us. We didn't have a lot of committments or appointments. We hung around the house a lot! I really like being able to stay in my p.j.'s until noon if I want!
3. Jarod's school registration was this week. That in itself is not something I am necessarily thanikful for. But I am thankful that he attends a wonderful school. It's a smaller school than a lot of the others around us. It makes me feel like Jarod's safer there. The teachers have been there for a while. so I feel like they know what they're doing.
4. I love Kohl's! I can usually find some great bargains there. I did a lot of back to school clothes shopping there this year. Jarod is now in a size 10 jeans and size 5 shoes. Clothes get more expensive as the kiddos get older and bigger. I'm thankful that Eric has a steady job and that we can afford to get new clothes each year for the boys.
5. I am so thankful for this weather!I really don't like being outside when it's humid and hot, but God has brought us some beautiful sunny mild weather this week. I love being outside with my boys when it's like this. They love it too!
God is so good! I'm so thankful for his unfailing love. I mess up so often, but God continues to love me and show me his faithfulness daily!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Early trick or treaters
Made my day!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Five for Friday
1...for 5 day clubs. I kinda went into this with a critical eye. I wasn't sure what to expect. What I learned was that these teen love Jesus and want to share it with kids. They teens that came to our house were very well prepared, talked with the kids before and after club, and were energetic. We had a nice shade in the backyard, so it never got extremely hot and most of my neighbors that we invited came every day. I pray that what was taught will dwell in their hearts for years to com.
2...for digital scrapbooking! I am in love with this!!!!!! I have done more pages on the computer in one week than I have completed in 6 months with regular scrapbooking. I don't have to lug everything out of my cabinet, get it all set up, cut, crop, glue, re-position and make sure that my handwriting is not slanted off the page. I also don't have to worry about little hands getting all over everything. I can also complete an album and then wait until I have the money to order it. What a cool concept!
3. to Laura. She took Andrew during the hour of my 5 day club. It was just going to be a lot to handle with him here and me wanting to be with the other kids. So, she is now know lovingly as "Laura friend".
4. ...for little God moments this week of summer school for Drew. One morning he walked up to his teacher, took her hand and said, "Miss Patty!" Then he looked at me with a big smile and said, "Bye. Bye." I was thrilled!
5.... for my new niece. Curt and Jill had their baby girl this afternoon. Her name is Adelinn Grace. I can not wait to meet her!
Monday, July 28, 2008
My Boys (All 3)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Drew's Sunday
Eric and I should have sung to him this afternoon when he burned two fingers at Grandma's. He was so upset and just kept screaming and crying. It was horrible to hear him like that, but I continued to pray that the pain would go away and that he would be able to sleep. God answered my prayers! Drew is now dancing and reciting some of his favorite things. He's also singing Wiggles songs! Eric even got him to take a nap.
God is so good!
Six on Sunday
I am thankful....
1. ...for time off from teaching Sunday School. I really love it, but for the next four weeks, there is no Sunday School for children or adults. That means I can sleep in and not feel rushed to get ready for church. What a blessing!
2. ...for the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo! We are members and it is so nice to be able to go whenever we want. The boys and I went three times this week. That doesn't happen that often, that we go so many times in one week, but that's what a member pass is for!!!
3. ...for our porch. Eric spent a lot of time the last couple of summers working on our back porch. This is the first summer that we've been really able to enjoy it. My parents came up and painted the floor for us - that was a huge blessing! I had some friends over this week and we just hung out on the porch and talk for hours. It was wonderful!
4. ...for the ESY program for Drew. He thrives on routine and it's been a blessing that he can attend summer school for three days a week. His teachers are just great and really work on his IEP goals.
5. ...for my husband's boss. I don't think I've ever met him, but I like him. Eric is supposed to go to NC for a weekend, but the people down there keep postponing for one reason or another. So, he hasn't gone yet. Anyway, Eric's boss approached him last week and told him that he had to take me out on a date and to bring the receipt back to him at work. I don't know many bosses that would do something like that. So, we are going to Cork 'n Cleaver on Monday. Neither of us have been there before, so it will be a treat!
6. ...for time with my sisters -in-law this week. We went out for dinner and had a great time talking and trying to encourage Jill, who is having her first baby in the next couple of weeks. It was nice to not have children around and we could really talk.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Parenting Re-Do
Friday, July 18, 2008
Five for Friday
So, here we go:
1. I am so thankful for special friends! They are the ones who ask what God is doing in my life and make me think. They are the ones who I can call several times a day to just say hey whatcha' doing. They are the ones who will listen to me vent and don't mind at all. They are the ones who make me cry, laugh the hardest, love my children like their own and challenge me to be a better me.
2. I am thankful for Thomas the Tank Engine underwear! Andrew is very willing to wear underwear most of the day, especially when it's Thomas. He even says, "Keep Thomas dry!" in a very sing songy way. And he does!
3. I am thankful for time alone with Jarod this week. We won't have many more opportunities to just hang out and do stuff together. We went to the FW History Museum on Tuesday while Andrew was at school and saw some model trains. Jarod is still in love with trains and I'm so thankful that he has a passion!
4. I love flip flops! I am thankful that they are cheap and that I can just throw them off and on. It's just one of those simple pleasures that make me smile!
5. I am so thankful for wonderful in-laws. I hear horror stories from people who don't get along with their in-laws, but I am blessed to have a mother-in-law whom I adore and admire. She comes up and babysits often for the boys without hesitation. We have wonderful conversations at the kitchen table about everything and she is a prayer warrior. Who could ask for anything more!
Okay, that was easier than I thought. What a wonderful way to begin my day! I have been meditating on Ps. 143. I love this passage:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Another huge potty success!
The first was that he told me, "potty time?" He has only said that maybe two times since we've started this whole process of potty training. So, I said, "okay, let's go upstairs!" We went upstairs and I set him on the potty.
Then the second amazing task happened: he actually went poopy in the potty!!!!!!!! I have lost my voice and can't really talk, let alone scream at my son's accomplishment. So, I squeaked out some "good jobs", "yeah!!!"and "way to gos". And of course, lots of hugs and kisses! I'm not sure he fully understood the significance of what he just did, but I was so proud.
I'm hoping and praying that this not just a fluke, but that Andrew is finally "getting it". All I can do now is rejoice and thank my Father for this breakthrough!!!!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
One of the things we tried this year was taking a boat out on the lake. Andrew loved it! He still talks about his life preserver a month later. I did get burned on my legs, but it was worth it.

For some reason, Andrew wanted to wear his hat sideways. We thought it was cute. (Thanks Stacey for the hat!)

Here's our messy room. We left a note for housekeeping thanking them for cleaning around all our junk. We always bring way too much stuff, but with blankies, Andrew's wheel of fortune, books and Jarod's various pictures of trains (and now Spiderman), what's a mom to do?

Andrew didn't want to play, so Eric took him inside to the video games. Andrew just sat and pretended to drive his car.
Here's one of my favorite pictures... my boys holding hands. Andrew is getting more attached to big brother all the time. I know Jarod feels special when Andrew wants to be with him!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Andrew and pizza
I love the fact that he's verbalizing so much more now. However, with that comes the "No's!" and "I want ...", especially when he can't have something. I guess we are entering that terrible stage, even at four. And I welcome it!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Cast is off!
Today is also the last day of school. I am very excited! I like not having to set my alarm and just hang out at the house. Jarod had a great school year and is looking forward to second grade.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Eric had to be at church early to set up for sound. That meant I had to get the kiddos ready and get us to church on time. I didn't think too much of it until I saw the rain pouring down in the driveway. Eric left me the big golf umbrella and I was thankful for that. But I wasn't sure how I was going to get all the bags, two boys, myself out of the van without getting soaking wet. Well, when I pulled into the church parking lot, the rain had pretty much stopped. God was good.
Church went very well. Andrew's buddy was not at church this morning, but there were not many children in SS so Andrew did pretty well. He sat through the songs during service and only kicked the nice lady in front of us a couple of times. She didn't mind and Andrew didn't cry. God was good.
After church we headed down to Eric's parents. We had a good meal, good fellowship and I had fun hanging out with my 12 year old nephew. Andrew went poopy on the toilet for the first time and I even got to nap in the car on the way home! God was good.
I was able to dink around on the computer this afternoon, read to Jarod, tickle Andrew, play games and basically do nothing for a couple of hours. God was good.
This evening we had some of our best friends over for the finale of Survivor. (A tradition of icecream sundaes and thrilling results!) God was good.
I even got to spend some time this evening listening to God and reading his Word.
God is good through all things.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Broken Elbow
The next morning we went to the hospital. We had an amazing nurse, Penny. She was so great with Jarod. She talked to him about everything that was going to happen and took really good care of him. We waited two hours for all the pre-op "stuff" and then the actual surgery only took about 1/2 hour. The doctor said they didn't need to put in a pin. We were very thankful for that! Everything went very smoothly and we were home by 1:00 that afternoon. God was so good through the whole two days!
Jarod's main concern through the thing was that he didn't want to miss his first grade program on Thursday night. Well, he made it! He felt fine to go back to school on Thursday and the program was great! What a brave kid!
Here we are at home. Jarod couldn't wait to have his friends sign his cast!
I had to get a picture of the whole cast! He was so brave!

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Birthday party
Thursday, April 24, 2008
potty training part 2
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
potty training
Well, I of course was smiles the whole way home and called several people on my cell. I was pumped to get home and see if he would have continued success on the potty. As soon as we pulled in the driveway and smelled a poopy. That smell and many clean ups continued all afternoon and into the evening.
I'm not sure what is causing it. Could be all the strawberries he has eaten the last couple of days. Or, could be that we gave him a glass of milk and a piece of cheese the other day. We're trying to determine if he has a milk allergy or intollerance of some sort.
Anyway, so much for potty training and a long awaited celebration of blowing bubbles and a new box of crayons!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I'm back

Happy 4th birthday Andrew! I can't believe he is four! Where has the time gone? I was pretty sick on Andrew's birthday, so I had to miss his party at the Hansen's. I was not very happy about it. Missing your child's birthday party is not something I like to do! Andrew's Uncle Curt made him a Wheel of Fortune card. That was the hit of the party. Forget the presents and cake, bring on the card!
Andrew also discovered the fire place. Not sure why he didn't notice it before, but he watched Grandpa put in fire wood and he just sat there with his card and ejoyed the warmth!
Jarod spent part of his spring break with Grandma and Grandpa Peterson in Indy. They sure kept him busy! They took him to see a play of Frog and Toad at the Children's Museum. Jarod really liked it. While Jarod was gone, I took the opportunity to try and potty train Andrew. It didn't go very well, but we are still trying and not giving up. It will be long battle, but are confident that Andrew will get it!
Well, that's it for now. I'll write more later...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Grandma is 93!
Friday, February 22, 2008
chicken for dinner
We have a rule in our house that if you are not hungry for dinner when it's ready, you don't have to eat it right then, but you do have to eat it before you have anything else to eat. So, that was the plan with Drew. Well, chicken was obviously not what he wanted to eat. We wouldn't let him watch Wheel of Fortune either until he ate some of his chicken. Drew kept taking the plate of chicken to the sink. We would say no and put it back on the table. After several attempts, he made it to the sink and all the chicken fell into the sink of dirty dishes. I was not happy. So, Drew got spanked. He cried and cried.
We haven't spanked Drew much because we haven't felt that it made an impact. Time out has been pretty effective for him. I also have felt that sometimes Drew acts out because he just needs sensory imput and setting him in time out to calm down is what he needs most. But last night was definately an act of disobedience. Tossing the chicken in the sink because he really didn't want to eat it because we said he had to had nothing to do with autism or sensory imput. He was being a typical 3 year old boy who really didn't want to eat chicken.
He ended up sitting at the table and eating some leftover ham. And he did watch Wheel of Fortune while snuggling with mom. I think he understood. That was a blessing.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The boys remain healthy, which I am very thankful for! Jarod is doing well in school and has enjoyed playing out in the snow with the neigbors. Andrew is currently obsessed with Wheel of Fortune. We made the mistake of recording a couple of shows and now he watches them all the time. He even has them memorized right down to the order of letters on a puzzle.
I've also joined face book. I'm still not exactly sure what I do there, but it should be fun to catch up with friends.
So, I guess that's it for now.
Friday, January 25, 2008
squished banana in my pocket
When we got home he told me that he actually threw away the banana in gym class, but that there was squished banana in his pocket. "But I wrapped it in a paper towel, mom!" he said. I was still pretty confused. So, he changed his pants in the laundry room and I very carefully picked up his pants. I wasn't sure what I would find in his pant's pocket. All that was there was a wadded up paper towel with just a smidgen of squished banana. So, he probably had just a couple of bites left and wrapped it up in a paper towel to keep it "safe".
So, I guess the moral of this story is never, ever put leftover banana in your pocket. It could get squished.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Pinewood Derby

Monday, January 14, 2008
1. I hate change. Period. I have never liked it. It makes me uncomfortable and stresses me out. I try to avoid it as much as possible; except for the occasional moving around of furniture. But I know I need change. I need it because it allows me to seek the Lord and put all my trust in Him. So, I guess in a way I am thankful for change.
2. I was thinking about all the changes in my life that are here or coming. I need to make sure that my reaction is not a poor acceptance of change. This was very convicting to me because I am such a people pleaser and I don't want to make waves. I tend to say, "I don't like it and I don't think it will work, but I'll go along with it" and "But if so-and-so is for it, it much be ok." So, how do I get out of this mind set? I was asking God this question as I was driving home and the song, Change My Heart, Oh God came to mind. The song goes like this:
Change my heart oh God
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray
Make it ever true
Change my heart oh God
May I be like You
Friday, January 4, 2008
Merry Christmas
Heidi and Tony playing What If? This was a new game that Ryan got. We laughed alot1
The day we arrived in Indy to celebrate with the Peterson side, my dad and Eric took Jaod to see the Polar Express at the IMAX theatre. it was in 3D and Jarod loved it! They also got to visit the White River Gardens where they had trains on display.
We also had a wonderful time visiting with my cousins and Aunt Nancy and Uncle Dave. They just remolded their kitchen and it looks beautiful. It has been so long since I have been in their home. It was a blessing to be with everyone again!