Saturday, July 11, 2009

Six on Saturday

I haven't had much time to sit and reflect on God's faithfulness recently. I need to do that more. We've been traveling some and with both boys on summer break, I don't get a whole lot of time to sit down.

So, I have some time now between loads of laundry, the dishwasher running and Drew watching a video.

1. I am so thankful for some "me" time this last week. I went swim suit shopping by myself. Not that I love shopping for a new suit, but I could take my time and try things on without having a child in tow.

2. We were able to take a mini vacation last weekend to Eric's cousin's wedding. it was a beautiful outdoor wedding at her home. There was a DJ and has soon as the music started playing, Drew was up and dancing. It was great to see him having such a great time. The disco lights were a hit too. Jarod made friends with a second cousin who also loves star wars. The two of them spent several hours on the front porch playing with star wars figures. Eric and I were able to visit with family and had a great time. Then we spent the rest of the weekend visiting our friends, the Billman's, in MI. They live in a beautiful home with land and a pool. The boys had a blast. It was good to reconnect with them. When the Billman's were living in Fort Wayne, we would get together almost every Sunday evening for dinner and cards.

3. I am thankful that we are in a financial place that is relatively safe. I'm thankful that we can continue to support missionaries and their work. I feel humbled and blessed.

4. I am thankful for the summer school program that Drew is involved in. The program is at Haverhill this summer, where Drew will go in the fall. It is also in the kindergarten classroom that he will be in when school starts. How cool is that?! Everytime I start to freak out about kindergarten, I remember that he's already got a start and knows where his classroom will be!

5. A few weeks ago, I was able to reconnect with a special friend from college. She has moved back to the area. I am so thankful that we were able to catch up and talk. I am looking forward to spending more time with her!

6. We are still looking for a new church home. We have visited some wonderful places! We will go back to Emmanuel tomorrow. There will be a buddy for Drew. I am so thankful for that!