Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday's five

1. I am thankful that God was watching over my friends who had a house fire two weeks ago. I can't even imagine what that must be like. They lost pretty much everything, but lives were spared and they are trusting in Him through this whole process.

2. I am thankful for the free tickets to a concert on Wed. night. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! In fact, I laughed so hard that I cried. Who knew that John Tesh was so funny!?

3. Andrew's teachers have written some great comments in his notebook the last week or so. Here is just a taste:
3/11 Today was a good day! Our normal routine was disrupted by pictures and gym, but Andrew was OK! He was anxious to get back to the room to work on " his" puzzle! He can complete it by himself now, but does allow friends to help!!
3/17 Andrew had a very happy day. Lisa (OT) commented how "chatty" he was today!
3/18 Andrew greeted Jimmy "Hello Jimmy" with a big smile and no prompts. Played for 5 min. with doctor props with Jimmy and Isaac with prompting from Mrs. Dark. Pulled Jimmy on scooter board in gym with hula hoop from 1 side of gym to the other with verbal prompts!

I am just so thankful that God is working in my little guy. We continue to see him growing in so many ways!
4. The boys have had 2 half days of school this week. It has been great having them home!
5. How wonderful it has been to be outside! I am thankful for the warmer weather! Andrew and I went to the swings the other day and just enjoyed being outside together!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

my 5

1. I am so thankful for this warmer weather! I pulled out my flip flops and welcomed spring with painted toe nails!

2. I'm thankful that my 8 year old still wants to sit on my lap occasionaly. I'm not sure how much longer my lap will be able to accomadate a growing boy, but I until then, I will just enjoy those moments. What a blessing to watch Jarod grow and to see him trusting in the Lord.

3. My husband as planned dinner for tonight and tomorrow! Tonight we will be making our own pizzas and tomorrow he will make yummy chicken moo shoo. I am so thankful that Eric likes to cook and is willing to share the cooking duties. I will gladly hand that over to him anytime he wants it!

4. I'm thankful for sparkly jewelry. I bought some bracelets the other day and it just brightens my day when I put them on. I don't think Andrew likes the jingle sound the make, but I'm hopeful he will get used to them!

5. Andrew rode his scooter today. It was so fun watching him do something that he couldn't do about 6 months ago. Of course, all the way to the playground, he would stop and pick up a leaf that was in his way and put it in the grass. I am thankful him and the life that God has given him. What a blessing (most days...) to witness it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Hero?

Someone told me yesterday that I was their hero. She said that she couldn't do what I do with Andrew 24/7. She even got a little teary eyed.

I've been thinking about that a lot. I don't feel like I am hero. I do what I do because I have to as a mom, but also because I want what is best my Drew.

Me? Come on....really? I don't feel as though I do anything special or outstanding. Sometimes I even feel like a big fat failure.

I met with Andrew's speech therapist yesterday too. The early childhood coordinator was also there. They both said that I am such a great mom and that I know Andrew better than anyone. They are impressed with how well Andrew has progressed in this year and they account that to me.

Wow. I am so humbled. I can sometimes get a big head when I am praised, but this time is different. I've been thinking about how people see me. It's not enough for them to see me as a good mom or teacher, but as a Christ follower. I hope that these people see something "different" in me and that it allows me to share my faith with them. I haven't been in the Word as much as I would like this last couple of weeks. We've had some rough days with Drew and maybe that's why I don't feel like I am a hero or this great mom. In fact, I'm feeling pretty low this week. (I think it's the gray clouds).

However, even in the low moments, I am so aware of God's presence. These people have given me encouragement! And I am reminded of Isaiah 40:28-31

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
the will walk and not be faint.
Thanks for letting me share my heart. Praise God for his promises!