Friday, October 30, 2009

Thankful Friday...

Here's my 5 things I'm thankful for on this raining, grey day...

1. I am thankful for a good parent teacher conference with Jarod's teacher. He got all A's on his report card. (This is a first for actual letter grades.) We are so proud of him!

2. I spent time in Drew's class on Thursday at the fall party. It went really well. I hadn't been helping in his class yet because I was anxious of his reactions to me in the class. But I was pleasantly surprised. He went to all the centers and seemed to enjoy himself. And then we were able to go home a little early! I realized the other day that I didn't want to miss out on Drew's activities in his class just because I was afraid of his reaction to me being there.

3. My friend's son came over yesterday and raked leaves for us. That was a blessing. However, there are now more leaves on the ground, plus the ones he didn't get to. I guess Eric and I will have finish the job this weekend!
4. I helped out in the children's department at BSF on Thursday. I always enjoying helping out down there. It almost makes me miss teaching!
5. This weekend has nothing on the calendar! That hasn't happened in a long time!! Looking forward to having family time!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Six on Saturday

1. I am thankful for a lazy Saturday at home. We watched some movies and then had some friends over. After the kiddos are in bed, we have a friend coming over so Eric and I can go out for a mini date. We won't be gone long, but at least we'll be out of the house!

2. I absolutely LOVE the fall. I am always in awe at God's amazing creativity and imagination when the leaves turn colors. This is my favorite time of year when the colors just explode on the leaves. I love the smells of fires burning, hot apple cider and the cold of the air on my nose. This season just doesn't last long enough for me!

3. Eric's been busy these last couple of weekends with scout training. He really loves helping out! I'm thankful that he takes volunteering with Jarod's scout troupe seriously. It's neat to hear other moms talk about how much they respect Eric. Some of those moms are single moms and it makes me proud to know that he is making a difference in these boys' lives.

4. Before we left to visit Magic Kingdom for the first time, Jarod's glasses broke in two. They were old and needed to be replaced, but having them break in FL was not on my agenda. I am so thankful for Disney and their kindess in getting us to WalMart to get new frames. I am also very thankful for the effort of the lady at the optical center at WalMart that fitted Jarod's lenses into the black frames! Jarod could have had purple lenses!

5. I just love our eye dr. We were able to move up our appointment to last week so we could get new frames and lenses. Jarod can wear his black frames as a back up. I'm so thankful!

6. I am thankful that we have not been struck with the flu at our house. We all have the sniffles to some degree, but we can handle that! Thank you Lord for keeping the Hansen's healthy!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm back!

I know, I know. What happened to blogging? I don't have an answer. All I know is that I want to start blogging again.

I'm missing Rachel today. She passed away 6 months ago. Hard to believe that she's not here. I'm thankful for my hope in Christ!

I'm happy that we went on vacation, but Jarod is still trying to catch up on homework. I don't think his teacher is all that worried about it. But I still want him to get it done.

I went to my friend's house today for their "welcome back home" open house. they had a fire last spring and lost just about everything. it was wonderful to see them back in their house with all the new things. So happy for them!

Well, now that I've started, I think I'll give my brain a rest. Just some rambling thoughts today.