Sunday, September 28, 2008

5 for Sunday

I know... I'm late. I tried several times to log in to type my five on Friday, but the computer wouldn't let me. So, now I'm on the lap top. No problems. Not sure what's up with our home computer. Lucky that I'm married to a computer wiz; maybe he can figure it out.

Anyway, here are my five for the week...

1. We had two great friends over on Thursday to watch the premiere of Survivor. It's become a tradition. We also get together at the finale. But that time we have sundaes as well!

2. I went out for coffee one night with a special friend. We get together to catch up, vent, cry and laugh together. It doesn't happen as often as we would like, but when we do, it renews our souls.

3. Jarod loves cub scouts. I am thankful that he has found an activity that he is excited about. It helps that dad is a co-leader. It's a special and fun time for the two of them to spend an evening together and then work on the assignments throughout the week. Eric was involved in boy scouts and almost made eagle scout. So, I think that Eric's justas excited about it as Jarod.

4. Andrew had his last post -op visit on Friday. His eye doctor was very pleased with how well the surgery has straightened Drew's eyes. In fact, when Drew looks through his bifocals his are dead on straight. I am so thankful for this doctor and that I can trust him!

5. We had a family reunion of sorts on Saturday in Roanoke. Eric and I have not seen his cousins in so long. It was great to be around Eric's family and catch up a bit. There are two new babies and another one on the way. It's nice to have some babies among us to hold!

Monday, September 22, 2008

A good dentist visit...who knew!

I loathe going to the dentist. It is the last thing I wanted to do today. I know how important dental hygiene is and why I need to go. But I hate the scraping and that awful sucking straw they make me use. What ever happened to the spit sink? I miss that.

Well, today it was actually a very pleasant experience. Not the actual part of cleaning of my teeth , but talking to my hygienist was an absolute joy. I was in the chair for about an hour, which is about 30 minutes longer than usual. We giggled and talked about God and how He is in control of our lives, not us. I walked away not only with a clean mouth and teeth, but with a renewed clean spirit as well. It was nice to talk with an adult about adult things.

I will never be one to get excited about the dentist, but if my hygienist is there I know I will just enjoy talking with her; even if she has to scrape a little.

Friday, September 19, 2008

5 for Friday

1. I am thankful for this beautiful weather! This is my kind of weather; not too hot, a little breezy and the leaves are starting to turn.

2. I love teaching the 3 year old Sunday School class at my church. I love being able to teach them about God's Word and to see them come to an understanding of Jesus' love for them.

3. The ministry of MOPS is so important to moms. I am so thankful that I had four years of coordinating our group. I am also so thankful that I am NOT coordinating now. I will enjoy just going as a mom and leading a small group. To me, that's one of the most beneficial parts of MOPS; encouraging the moms and praying for them. And if they don't know Jesus personally, to show them how to have a relationship with Him. It's going to be a good year!

4. Andrew is talking more each day. The other day as we were getting out of the van in our garage, Andrew looked at me and said, "Mommy, Andrew's turn!" And he pointed to the garage door opener. He wanted to push the button. I am was so thankful for that little bit of communication!

5. Jarod is getting so adventurous! He is basically riding home from school himself on his bike. Usually, I will bring his bike to him after school and then he beats me home! He can be very timid about things, but the fact that he wants to go by himself makes me proud. Yes, a little nervous too, but it's not that far to our house from the school. He is growing up way too fast!

Friday, September 12, 2008

5 for Friday

1. I am thankful that my almost 8 year old son didn't freak out when I licked my thumb and wiped toothpaste off his mouth at school this week. Yes, I know...what was I thinking!? I was embarrassed for myself that I actually did that in public and at school. Whew, no harm done...this time.

2. I am so thankful that Bible Study Fellowship has started up again. I am looking forward to being in the Word regularly and hearing what other women in my group have learned from Lord in their study. We are studying the life of Moses.

3. On Saturday, we spent the afternoon with Eric's family. I got to hold baby Adelynn. She is just adorable. What a blessings little babies are. She has brought great joy to our family.

4. Andrew finished up his first full week of school yesterday. (He only goes Mon. - Thurs.) He is doing really well! His teacher has been delighted with his progress and how much he is talking. I am so thankful that Andrew can be in school.

5. My dear friend and I had a wonderful talk on Sunday. It was very brief, but it impacted my heart. I am thankful for her insight and Godly character she shows me. God is working in my life by showing me that everything I do is for Him. It's not about me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Biker Mama

For a belated birthday present, my very cool friend, Kris picked me up on her motorcycle and we went cruising! Okay...cruising through the countryside. Nothing too crazy. But the trip was beautiful and we didn't pass any pig farms. Thank goodness! What a great present ... Thank you Kris!!!!!!
This is me trying to be "cool". I think I just look mad. I was actually cracking myself up trying to be tough. Kris had to patiently wait for me to stop smiling!

Don't I like good? I did tell Eric that if he ever went through a mid-life crisis and wanted to buy a motorcycle, I'd be okay with that. As long as it was a two seater and he bought me a helmet.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Five for Friday...

1. I had a great birthday. We went to Indy for the long weekend and I went shopping with my mom. That's always a treat. I got my hair cut on my birthday and went to Bandito's with my family for dinner.

2. Andrew is doing really well in school! He looks forward to the bus coming and hasn't even kicked his teacher! :>) He's also recovering very well from his surgery. His eyes don't look quite so red and I can already tell a difference in how much less his eyes are crossing.

3. My brother, Mitch starts a new job this week. He has been looking for a new start for about a year and God open the doors for him at just the right time. He had been with the same organization for around 10 years. He will now be working at his church in Indianapolis as an assistant to one of the pastors. He will also be in charge of the programs at the church. I'm so proud of him!

4. I was able to talk my dad through a computer task over the phone. That is usually Eric's area, but I proved that I could do it and it made sense to my dad! Big accomplishment for me!

5. I got to spend time with my niece and nephew (Kylie and Trent) over the weekend. They are growing up so fast. It takes a while for them to warm up to me, but once they have, it is ajoy to be around them playing and talking.