Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I know it's been a while since I wrote. I didn't think I had much to write about anyway. I have been sick for almost two weeks now. I am really getting tired of it! It started out with strep throat (I think) and now I've got a nasty sinus thing going on. I went to Redi Med 2 Saturdays ago. I really hate going to Redi Med. You wait forever to see a doc and then they come in for 2 minutes and tell you that you have an infection. duh. The doc didn't do a strep test. So, i'm not sure if I really had strep or not. Anyway, what can you do on a Saturday when you can't swallow?

The boys remain healthy, which I am very thankful for! Jarod is doing well in school and has enjoyed playing out in the snow with the neigbors. Andrew is currently obsessed with Wheel of Fortune. We made the mistake of recording a couple of shows and now he watches them all the time. He even has them memorized right down to the order of letters on a puzzle.

I've also joined face book. I'm still not exactly sure what I do there, but it should be fun to catch up with friends.

So, I guess that's it for now.

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