Friday, May 15, 2009

My five on Friday

1. I was able to take a long walk this week. It was a cool morning and the sun was shining. Eric had surprised me some time ago with an MP3 player and I listened to it the whole time. I'm thankful for that time to be in God's creation and enjoy that time to myself.

2. I had a wonderful time with Pamela and Kris this week getting pedicures. It was so relaxing and fun to be with special friends. My toes look great!

3. I am thankful for lunch with Lisa this week. I appreciate her friendship more and more each time we get together. I am blessed by her.

4. Andrew is putting more words together each day. The other day he said, "I need help!" He also told Jennifer this morning, "Jennifer, go upstairs." He is getting so verbal! And that's a good thing, right? Just kidding... I am also thankful that Andrew loves listening to Bible songs in the car. He will now go around the house and sing "Jesus Loves Me". I tear up almost everytime I hear it! At school on Monday, he was playing Bob the Builder in the kitchen area and was singing "michael row your boat ashore". How cute!

5. I had my last day of discussion with BSF on Thursday. I have been so blessed to be with a great group of gals this year. I have learned that God is a promise keeper and that He loves his people so much, even in their sin. God is a God of details and he cares about every little thing. What an awesome God we serve!

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