Friday, May 8, 2009


It's early. Andrew threw up in bed sometime last night. He's in my bed. Load of bedding is being washed. This is not how my Friday was supposed to begin. I have company coming tonight, which will probably have to be cancelled.

Now that my griping is done I HAVE to think of something to be thankful for because to be honest, I'm not feeling that thankful right now. IT's been a hard couple of weeks. So, here I go...

1. I am thankful that I got to spend 3 wonderful hours with my best friend from high school last weekend. We don't get to see each other that often, but when we do, we can just pick up from where we left off. We talked the whole time and laughed a lot. It was good therapy for me!

2. My parents have been great through all the tragedy that has surrounded me. They came up to help while I was grieving for my friend Rachel. That was so helpful to me!

3. I am thankful that I got to spend a morning with my friend's kids. I took them to the zoo and we had a wonderful time. I like taking Andrew to the zoo, but he just likes to run and look at the fish. This time, I was able to interact with the 4 year little girl. It was refreshing to my soul. Thanks Melanie for asking me.

4. My best friend is home from Papua New Guinea! I am SO THANKFUL for that! We have talked on the phone just about every day. What a blessing.

5. I'm thankful for First Missionary Church and that it has been our home for 11 years. We are saying goodbye this summer. We need to find a place where we can get little Andrew's needs met. It has not been an easy decision, but it's the right one for our family. We have loved the people at FMC dearly and still do. Thank you for being like a second family to us!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am sad to read your #5, but I am not surprised by it. Know that I (we) will be praying for God to guide you and lead you to what is just right for your family during this season. (And I am glad that social networking doesn't have boundaries that end at any particular church door!)