Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Stop thinking!

I have been thinking way too much recently about all the "what ifs". I need to stop doing that! Making a decision for a new church home has been taking a toll on my emotions lately. We have tried some great churches and there are positives about each one. But which one is for us? A lot of my thoughts have been about my own insecurites of fitting it. Will I be able to use my gifts in a large church where everything is done to the upmost degree? I sing, but will I be able to sing on praise team? I teach, but will I be able to teach preschool like I did before?
I just need to let go and let God lead us to where He wants us. I know that I will need time to be refreshed before I dive into serving. So, why am I thinking so much?
I think this post is just for me to write down what I'm thinking and get it out of my brain. It's good to think about the answers to my questions, but I also know that God will use my gifts to glorify Him. It may not look like what I wanted, but I have to trust that God knows best!

Okay...brain is alittle less crowded now.


Amy said...

I'm glad you got that "outside your head", as Hope Swanson said on her Facebook note today.

Keep me posted on how the church thing is going.

naswanson said...

I had a lot of those same questions when we *moved* to Grabill. And, I worried that if I didn't do anything, people would think badly of me...or God would be disappointed. After 18 months, I'm still not leading anything, and I don't need to. God has allowed me to have relationships where I can serve one-on-one. He will honor your desire to use your gifts; it just might look differently than it has at FMC.

Becky Hansen said...

Thank you gals for your insight! I appreciate you both more than you know.