Sunday, April 18, 2010


Today was a day of many tears.
There were tears of sadness and loss as I remembered my dear friend Rachel's homecoming. It's hard to believe it's been a year. I remember her death like it was just yesterday. I'm so thankful though that she is celebrating one year of Paradise!

There were tears today when my Drew ran up to Laura with a huge smile accross his face while saying her name. What a blessing that was to me and Laura. He doesn't do that with anybody except family. I am so thankful for Laura and her unconditional love for Drew.

There were tears today when Jarod decided he didn't want to participate in a friend's birthday party. They went to Lazer X and he was just extremely scared about playing the game. So, we talked and prayed and talked some more. No convincing from anyone would get him to play. I felt like I deal with "issues" with Drew all the time, I don't want to deal with "isssue" with my non special needs kid. However, I am so thankful for gracious hosts and friends of jarod's that kept encouraging him. What a wonderful example of love that they all showed Jarod today. It really made me step back and realize that Jarod does have some pretty intense fears like the dark and I just need to keep praying through it and with him to help him overcome his fears.

I am started a diet this week and there were tears tonight when I was hungry! But, I am thankful that I have food and that I am trying to make healthy choices and lose weight.

Tears can be so healing. I'm glad that I shed some today and that God keeps showing me His faithfulness and goodness.

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