Friday, July 16, 2010

Five on Friday

1. I am thankful for a wonderful visit with my roommate from college. We had a great time laughing and shopping. I wish we lived closer!
2. I am thankful that we found a gluten free pizza crust that Drew will eat. We started him on the gluten free diet to see if it would help his attention, especially with starting first grade! Pizza is his favorite and I hated to take that away. Thanks to Whole Foods in Indy, we found some crust that is actually pretty tasty!
3. I had a great time last night catching up with a friend who is going through a lot of transitions in her life. I'm so thankful for her friendship!
4. Andrew is talking more and more to us, not just random thoughts. The other day we went to Meijer on Lima rd. He saw Burger King and wanted to go. I said no at first and then Andrew said, "Meijer first, then Burger King." How can a mom say no to that!
5. Andrew is doing pretty well in summer school. It really helps him when school starts in a few short weeks. I'm thankful for the teachers and aides that are there working with him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried fish oil with Andrew? Ezri has some pretty severe ADD symptoms and it helps her a lot. There are some studies that are showing it to be as effective, if not more effective, than ritalin.
