Sunday, July 25, 2010

my 5 on Sunday

1. I am thankful for a successful garage sale and that it is over. We sold a lot of things and then took the rest to Goodwill. I have never done a garage sale before. It was a lot of work. But, I'm glad I did it. I'm not sure I wlll do it again, though.

2. I am thankful we had the privalege of a good eye doctor for almost 10 years. Dr. Dykstra passed away a few weeks ago. He was patient with both my boys, but especially with Andrew. He also had a son named Andrew and so I think he was fond of my Andrew. Dr. Dykstra will be missed by our family. Now, we need to find anotehr dr. I know God will lead us to the right one.

3. Eric and Jarod were at Scout Camp this last week. Jarod came home a night early because of storms. I am thankful for the neighbor who graciously brought Jarod home. They all had a great time.

4. I'm thankful for wonderful worship this morning at church.

5. I'm thankful for an opportuntiy to do a little babysitting this school year. All the details still need to be worked out, but I'm excited!

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