Friday, September 12, 2008

5 for Friday

1. I am thankful that my almost 8 year old son didn't freak out when I licked my thumb and wiped toothpaste off his mouth at school this week. Yes, I know...what was I thinking!? I was embarrassed for myself that I actually did that in public and at school. Whew, no harm done...this time.

2. I am so thankful that Bible Study Fellowship has started up again. I am looking forward to being in the Word regularly and hearing what other women in my group have learned from Lord in their study. We are studying the life of Moses.

3. On Saturday, we spent the afternoon with Eric's family. I got to hold baby Adelynn. She is just adorable. What a blessings little babies are. She has brought great joy to our family.

4. Andrew finished up his first full week of school yesterday. (He only goes Mon. - Thurs.) He is doing really well! His teacher has been delighted with his progress and how much he is talking. I am so thankful that Andrew can be in school.

5. My dear friend and I had a wonderful talk on Sunday. It was very brief, but it impacted my heart. I am thankful for her insight and Godly character she shows me. God is working in my life by showing me that everything I do is for Him. It's not about me.

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