Friday, September 19, 2008

5 for Friday

1. I am thankful for this beautiful weather! This is my kind of weather; not too hot, a little breezy and the leaves are starting to turn.

2. I love teaching the 3 year old Sunday School class at my church. I love being able to teach them about God's Word and to see them come to an understanding of Jesus' love for them.

3. The ministry of MOPS is so important to moms. I am so thankful that I had four years of coordinating our group. I am also so thankful that I am NOT coordinating now. I will enjoy just going as a mom and leading a small group. To me, that's one of the most beneficial parts of MOPS; encouraging the moms and praying for them. And if they don't know Jesus personally, to show them how to have a relationship with Him. It's going to be a good year!

4. Andrew is talking more each day. The other day as we were getting out of the van in our garage, Andrew looked at me and said, "Mommy, Andrew's turn!" And he pointed to the garage door opener. He wanted to push the button. I am was so thankful for that little bit of communication!

5. Jarod is getting so adventurous! He is basically riding home from school himself on his bike. Usually, I will bring his bike to him after school and then he beats me home! He can be very timid about things, but the fact that he wants to go by himself makes me proud. Yes, a little nervous too, but it's not that far to our house from the school. He is growing up way too fast!

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