Sunday, April 10, 2011


A lot of kids with autism tend to have some form of sensitivity. Some of Andrew's sensitivity is towards babies crying and music from a radio or CD. We went to Indy over spring break for a few days. While there, we went to the Children's Museum. Andrew likes to go to the same exhibits every time like the trains, the carousel and the science spectrum. Of course, these are the most popular with lots of people. He is just fine there, until he hears a baby cry. Then, he just stops what he's doing and puts his hands over his ears and tells me, "Baby happy!!". I try to distract him, but sometimes it is too much and he bursts into tears.
Andrew loves music...on his terms! Eric takes Andrew every Sunday morning to hear the worship band practice for the next service. Andrew loves it! He loves going to church to hear "the guitars". The worship team is great in letting Andrew run around and yell out "Rock on!" and "Rock Stars!" However, when we get to the van, I can not have the radio on. If it's on, Andrew will put his hands over his ears and yell, "Radio off!" And, if I'm not fast enough, it can turn into a complete meltdown of crying and kicking the seats.
I wish I knew why these two things bother him so much! It is one of many questions I would love to have an answer for. I would love for Andrew to be able to tell me why certain things are so hard. Maybe someday, but for now, I'll just to avoid those things. With a new cousin on the way at the end of summer, he may just have to learn to adjust, because I am definitely going to be holding that baby!

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