Monday, April 4, 2011

April is autism awareness month!

I am hoping that I can shed a little light into the world of autism by sharing our life this month.
Andrew loves Wheel of Fortune! He loves to play it on the computer and "play" it on the kitchen table. He has several puzzles memorized and will randomly quote one throughout the day like "highly recommended walking tour". Then he will joke with us by saying the wrong word or change the name of the person playing. he will just giggle and giggle!
Wheel of Fortune is colorful and repetitive. I think that's one reason why Andrew loves it! He also loves the spinning of the wheel.
it's a great way for Andrew and me to play together, which is difficult for him.
So, yay for Wheel of Fortune!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm looking forward to reading your posts this month, Becky!