Monday, October 13, 2008

5 for Monday

1. Eric and I were in St. Louis this weekend to celebrate the wedding of Eric's "little brother" from his fraternity at Rose. We had a great time to just be husband and wife instead of mom and dad. The wedding was beautiful and Eric always looks good in a tux!

2. The boys had a blast with Grandma and Papa Pete in Indy. They went to a train museum in Noblesville and rode a train to a pumpkin patch. Andrew and Papa bonded and had snuggle time when Andrew fell asleep on the train. Grandpa always likes that.

3. Jarod turned 8 on Sunday. Every year I say, "Where did the time go?" and I said it again this year. He is growing up in so many different ways. He is reading more and more every day. He even read a book to himself over the weekend. Very cool! Jarod is growing taller too. He is wearing a size 10 slim jean and size 5 tennis shoe. Jaro d is also growing spiritually. He's wanting to do daily devotionals and memorize his Bible verses for church. We are so proud of him!

4. Now that Jarod is 8 he doesn't have to sit in a booster seat anymore. Yeah!

5. Eric is on his way to Tawain right now for business. I am so thankful that he has a job that is secure.

6. And one more... I am thankful that God is in control and knows everything that happens. Even when I don't understand what God is doing, I know that He has a plan and we have to praise and worship Him through the storms of life. I'm praying for God's peace in the midst of storms.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your thankful heart never fails to encourage my own--this week is no different!